Many of us, myself included, have commented over the years that, “The next presidential election may be the most important in modern history.”  Notwithstanding that opening sentence, I will go on record saying, the 2024 presidential election is absolutely potentially the most important in modern history. 

Free and honest elections are, and always have been, a cornerstone of our Republic; but there are facts that tell us the election process is on shaky ground and has been for the past few years.  In 2019, 59% of Americans polled said they  had lost confidence in the honesty of our election system.  That should have been enough to cause Congress to take some action.  But, true to form, nothing happened.


  1. In 2016 Hillary Clinton claimed the election was rigged and millions of Americans believed her.
  2. In 2020 President Trump claimed the election was rigged and millions of Americans believed him.
  3. Across the nation fraud-rich voter registration rolls are in pathetic shape; dead voters, illegal voters, voters who have moved away, etc.  For example, in May 2020 California’s registered voter rolls reportedly contained about 1.5 million ineligible voter names.
  4. Covid changed voting habits. In 2020, 69.4% of voters cast ballots by a nontraditional method, mostly mail-in ballots.  That was up from 23% in the 2016 election. That volume overwhelmed many ballot counting facilities across the country to the extent that there simply was not enough time to verify voter signatures.
  5. There is credible video evidence that some ballot drop boxes were stuffed with illegal ballots without consequences.
  6. Ballot harvesting relinquishes control of ballots into the hands of individuals who are not legal officials in the voting process; a broken chain of custody issue,
  7. In the 2022 election the post Office handled 54.4 million mail-in ballots; and we know the PO is not a 100% reliable operation.
  8. Given the apparent ease of fraudulent ballot processing, 53 counties in 29 different states had more ballots cast than there were registered voters.
  9. Fifty-eight percent of voters said foreign governments pose a threat to American elections.
  10. Sixty-four percent of Americans polled said they would be more confident if Election Day were a national holiday.
  11. Three-quarters of voters, and even two-thirds of Democrats, said they would be more confident in election results if every voter was required to show government-issued identification at the polls.
  12. Only 17% of voters believe that states with a history of voter discrimination should be allowed to decide their own voting procedures without oversight by the federal government.


-As the election process stands today, we are playing with fire. We could be facing a Constitutional crisis in November 2024. 

-With the above 12 factors in play for the 2024 election, that ought to be enough to cause Congress to take note and act proactively NOW.  Congress needs to depart from its regular routine and do something proactive to deter a potential crisis.


There are three fixes recommended herein:

Proof of voter eligibility for both in-person and mail-in voting

When should voting begin and end.

-When should election results be announced. 

This legislation would apply as an interim fix specifically for the 2024 election pending an expanded election reform law in the next Congress which can additionally deal with permanent Voter ID cards, ballot handling and security, etc.

This proposed solution is simple:  Every ballot will have a voter ID number and a signature. Ballots will be provided only to voters who have valid documentation proving they are an eligible voter.

This law is premised on the belief that voting is both a right and a responsibility. The fact that more than one third of eligible voters routinely do not bother to vote is both pathetic and irresponsible. For those patriots who want to and will vote, this law will make it easy to vote in-person or by mail in the 2024 election. 


BACKGROUND ON VOTER IDENTIFICATION: The REAL ID Act passed by Congress in 2005 based on the 9/11 Commission’s recommendations that the Federal Government, “set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver’s licenses and state ID cards.”

Real ID cards will be required for boarding federally regulated commercial aircraft. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced in 2013 a phased enforcement plan for the REAL ID Act.

For various reasons, final compliance with the law has been delayed.  May 7th, 2025 is now the deadline for Americans to have a Real ID if they wish to fly on a commercial airline.

The important part of the Real ID requirement is the documentation a person must present when getting their ID. Each state stipulates the minimum hard-copy documents that must be presented to qualify for a Real ID card; for example, an existing driver’s license, current U.S. passport, Social Security card, birth certificate, proof of current home address, etc.

This proposed election 2024 law will dictate that, beginning 1 September, 2024, at least one location in every voting district will be open, 0800-5pm Monday-Friday where voters can re-register to vote.


The 2024 election cycle will be used to reconstruct every voter registration roll in the U.S.  Any use or reference to existing voter registration rolls will be against the law in 2024.

  • VOTERS HOLDING A REAL ID: Voters who have a valid driver’s license or state ID in compliance with the REAL ID Act may re-register in person at any time after 1 September, 2024 at their local voting district or simultaneously re-register at the time they vote in person. Applicants will download the federal registration form, fill it out, present it to the election official, sign it, the official will upload the personal data into the Voter Registration Data Base and the election official will retrieve a personal voter ID number for the voter. 
  • NON-REAL ID HOLDERS: A voter who does not have a Real ID and wishes to vote must appear at their local voting establishment after 1 September, 2024 or at the in-person voting site on election day with the Real ID documentation required by their state.  They will have filled out the federal registration form, it will be uploaded into the Voter Registration Data Base and the voter will receive a voter ID number that can then be presented at their voting site on election day.
  • Every person registering will be assigned a voter registration number.  The number will include the state (NC), the voting district number (12), the personal voter ID number (324689), and the month/year date it was recorded (10-24).  That number, NC-12-324689-10-24, will be printed, on the individual’s ballot. 
  • The re-registration process will include the use of a form on which the voter’s name, address, voter ID number and signature will appear.  The form must be signed in the presence of an election official and will be kept on file locally to be available to compare signatures on mail-in ballots.
  • At the time the re-registration takes place the voter’s ID number, name and address will be automatically sent to the state’s election headquarters where the Voter Registration Data Base is maintained.
  • VOTE BY MAIL: Any eligible voter, whether a Real ID holder or with qualifying documentation, may choose to vote by mail. They must make that request at the re-register session at an election site after 1 September. They must make that request between 1 September and 1 October, 2024.  Election officials then must mail out those ballots not later than 10 October, 2024. The voter then must mail their ballot not later than 25 October, 2024. Every mailed-out ballot must contain a current,2024, voter ID number.
  • MAIL-OUT BALLOT RULES:  Election officials must print the voter’s ID number on the ballot before it is mailed out. Every ballot returned by mail must have the voter’s signature. Under this election law for 2024 there will not be any mass-mailing of ballots.

Bottom line, every ballot that is processed on election day, either mail-in or in-person voting, will have a current, valid voter ID number on it and will have a verifiable signature by the voter.

All voting machines will be programmed to reject a ballot without a voter ID number or signature. It will also reject a ballot with a voter ID number that has been previously used during that voting cycle.

In this proposed process, the voter need only to be seen one time at an election site; either to simultaneously register and vote on election day or to arrange during the month of September to register and then vote by mail. This is not too much to ask of Americans when participating in the free-and-fair election process.


Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the Constitution tells us that, “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations.” 

While Congress is working on election changes for 2024, let’s take one more simple step and fix the when-to-vote problem.  In 1845, Congress passed a federal law designating the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November as Election Day. Why?  In 1845 America was a mostly agrarian economy.  Early November was a time of the year when most farmers had their crops in, the weather was still OK for travel by horse to a village voting site, etc.  it made sense in 1845.   

But today it is completely non-sensical.  First off all, why just one day?  Secondly, why a Tuesday when probably 90% of the American work-force is, surprise, at work. And we wonder why a third of all voters fail to vote at all.

Recently voting days have expanded in some states to “early voting.”  Sometimes very early; back into early October before the final opposing candidates’ debates take place.  Or often before the campaign “October surprise” occurs.  There is a simple, make-sense compromise. 

Let’s have an election weekend with an election holiday thrown in. In 2024, instead of election day, 5 November, it will be election weekend beginning Saturday the 2nd of November, on into Sunday and Monday will be a nation-wide election holiday with only essential personnel working. Take away the weak excuse voters come up with and shame them into voting; it is their right and their responsibility. Reminder (see issue #10 above); Sixty-four percent of Americans polled said they would be more confident if Election Day were a national holiday.


If the “early voting” does not get changed to “election weekend”, inevitably the “experts” and media will begin speculating about the success or failure of certain candidates based on “early voting turnout” or “early voting results” based on small samples from voter exit interviews.

Then there are the early predictions of east coast election results while the west coast still has at least three more hours of voting.  Why, a west coast voter says, should I stand in line to vote for Jones when it is obvious from the east coast predictions that Smith is winning in a landslide?

And finally, the media feels compelled to spend the entire night, after voting ceases, to announcing “with X % of the votes reported, we are projecting Jones the winner in……”

None of this is necessary, helpful and may have some negative influences

There is an easy fix; include in this proposed law for 2024 that it is against the law to announce any results until noon, Eastern time the day following the Election Holiday.  There are zero reasons why we need to know any sooner.  With a noon release eastern time, the entire nation can announce results simultaneously. 

I have copied the instructional points for this proposed law contained above, printed them on a word document, font 12 and it is less than 800 words, about 2 pages long.  The point being, this law can and should be just a couple pages that can be printed in its entirety and published in every newspaper and news magazine in America.  Every American can read it, understand it and communicate their opinions to those representing them in Congress.  This would be a very rare and very important occurrence.

By contrast to this proposed election 2024 law, I’m reminded of the beginning of the 116TH Congress, January 2019; HR 1 and S 1 were the number one priority proposed legislation in the House and Senate.  The subject was election “reform” and the Bill was about 800 pages long. Essentially, it was designed to place into federal law all of the ongoing election processes that significantly increased the possibilities of election fraud; mass mail-out of blank ballots, drip boxes, ballot harvesting, etc.

Warning, if you support this election law for 2024, you will be labeled by the President, VP and rank-and-file Democrats across the country as a “racist.” According to the Dems, if we are in favor of voter ID of any kind, you and I are the domestic terrorists’ soldiers in the systemic racism campaign our Commander in Chief so frequently talks about and claims is the greatest threat to our democracy.   BTW, have you ever heard of the President, VP or any Dem refer to you as a racist because you agree with the Real ID requirement? No? Neither have I.  it’s a head-shaker.


There is an election train wreck about to happen but it doesn’t have to.

Reminder, (see poling results # 11 above); Three-quarters of voters, and even two-thirds of Democrats, said they would be more confident in election results if every voter were required to show government-issued identification at the polls.

This change in the election process is not an imposition on voters.  One stop at an election site, receive a voter ID number and choose how you wish to vote, in-person or by mail using your personal voter ID number.  Doesn’t sound racist to me.


States’ rights are an important until it becomes obvious to the casual observer that they are ineffective, harmful and or absolutely dangerous.  Covid drove the states to mass ballot mail-out, drop boxes and ballot harvesting which resulted in greater opportunities for fraudulent election activities.  Covid is gone and those practices need to go with it.

At this point most of you are thinking, this could possibly get though the House if the Speaker works it hard but not through the Senate and even if passed in the Senate it would surely be vetoed by the President.  I believe you are correct; but polling results in points 10, 11 and 12 above tell us that We the People want and need this legislation. Make the Dems, from the President on down, openly declare their shameful, ignorant declaration that we are racists for pushing election changes for the 2024 election.  

Final thought; if the cornerstone of a foundation is allowed to crumble, the entire structure is vulnerable and likely to fall. That’s where we are today as a nation.  fix it, Congress!

Note to subscribers:  If you agree with the desperate need for this 2-page law to set the stage for a fair and free election in 2024, please forward this to those who are representing you in Congress. Furthermore, I would ask all of you to flood the mailrooms of House Speaker McCarthy and Senate Minority leader McConnell with this proposal.

Marvin L. Covault, Lt Gen US Army, retired, is the author of VISION TO EXECUTION, a book for leaders, and a how-to book, FIX THE SYSTEMS, TRANSFORM AMERICA as well as the author of a blog WeThePeopleSpeaking.com