There were several tragic events that took place in Washington DC on Capitol Hill.  Most happened on January 6th; an additional tragedy may occur later. 

Tragedy number one was the loss of life; one demonstrator shot attempting to breach the Capitol building, one police officer killed by a demonstrator and three died in the Capitol area of “medical emergencies”. 

Tragedy number two:  It is not an unusual occurrence for a demonstration to take place in Washington.  The Capitol Police and Washington Police Department were not prepared for what went down.  Better preparation might have saved lives.

Tragedy number three:  On January 6th President Trump made an unnecessary speech to thousands of loyalists who assembled from around the country. 

This article is NOT a debate about who should be inaugurated on January 20th.  It is about a much more serious issue so I would ask my Democrat friends to please read on. 

Survey results over the past two months indicate that around 90 million voters believe there was voter fraud during the weeks leading up to and on election day/night. The significance is the magnitude of voters have lost faith in one of our Republic’s most basic rights; free and honest elections.  We have a major national crisis of confidence. 

Those of you who routinely watch certain networks or read certain newspapers, have been told over and over since 4 November that 1) there was absolutely no fraud or 2) there was so little fraud that the overall results could not change. 

In a previous blog I made the following points:  When you tell me, “But it wasn’t enough to make a difference”, that begs the question, are you saying, 1% fraud is OK? Or 5% or 10%?  What “standard” of fraudulent activity is tolerable? Others are saying, “But it is not widespread.”  Is it OK if it is just in five states?  What you are saying is that some cheating is OK and should be overlooked as long as it does not pass some undefined threshold of frequency or quantity. The real answer to “how much fraud is acceptable” is zero. 

Reportedly in six “battleground states”, soon after midnight, with Trump in the lead, vote counting was stopped.  When counting resumed Biden was way ahead. Don’t 90 million Americans deserve and answer as to why that happened?

Reportedly in Pennsylvania, 1.8 million absentee ballots were sent out and 2.5 million came back.  90 million patriots need to know why.

In Wayne County Michigan, there were more votes counted than registered voters. Why?

Trump lost Wisconsin by 20,565 votes. Four witnesses testified that 100,000 ballots were brought in at 4:30 a.m. and counted without any inspection, all for Biden.  Were all four witnesses lying?

An eyewitness testified, “At the Detroit Vote Center vans came in about four in the morning with about 60 boxes of ballots nearly all for Biden”.  Shouldn’t someone look into this?

Back to the tragedy count. Tragedy number four:   In 2024 when we look back to assess the Biden/Harris administration, potentially their greatest failure will have been that they made a conscience decision in the spring of 2021 to do nothing about the fraudulent 2020 election.  By doing nothing, they will have placed the very fabric of our Constitutional Republic in jeopardy.

Can we just sit back and hope the states all get their act together by 2024?  No, because hope is not a process.

What then should be done?  Immediately after the inauguration, President Biden should select a special prosecutor charged to, within six months, identify the voter/election problems.  The objective would NOT be to recount the votes but rather to look under every rock and uncover the fraudulent events that took place in every state.  To do so, as a minimum, find the answers to these questions:

One, define the accuracy of voter registration rolls in every state.

Two, did massive mail-in balloting provide greater opportunities for voter fraud?

Three, does ballot harvesting provide greater opportunities for voter fraud?

Four, was there evidence of ballot stuffing? Ballot stuffing is casting illegal votes or submitting more than one ballot per voter.

Five, was there voter registration fraud?  That is, filling out and submitting a voter registration card for a fictional person, or filling out a voter registration card with the name of a real person but without that person’s consent and forging his or her signature on the card

Six, was there voter impersonation?  Persons claims to be someone else when casting a vote.

Seven, was there fraud by election officials?  For example, manipulation of ballots, such as tossing out ballots or casting ballots in voters’ names. 

Eight, was there absentee ballot voter fraud?  It is a fraud for a person to fill out and turn in an absentee ballot containing false information.

Nine, did state officials, in the days/weeks just before 3 November, illegally change voter-related laws, rules and/or regulations that are, in fact, the constitutionally-based purview of the state legislature?

Finally, the Special Prosecutor must provide recommendations as to how to fix the problems.  Turning over every dirty rock will be a load of work.  But fortunately, there is a simple fix to all of these fraudulent activities.  All we need is for every voter to have a personal Voter ID Card.

Another card? Yes, this is 2021, we all have multiple cards and will get more.  For example, this year we will be required to have a new/special “REAL” ID card to get on an airline flight. Furthermore, I am certain that about 99.99 % of eligible voters have a driver’s license. It you have a driver’s license you can just as easily have a Voter ID Card.  The Voter ID Card will come in to play and make it nearly impossible to participate in the fraudulent activities listed above. 

To jog your memories on Voter ID Cards, see my blog on 10 December 2020, EVERY CITIZEN SHOULD HAVE A VOTER ID CARD.


While elections laws and directives are primarily a states-rights issue, I believe a Special Prosecutor will find extensive violations.  Can we fix election fraud with a 2 or 3-page Federal Law?  Yes.  Although the Elections Clause of the Constitution makes states primarily responsible for regulating national elections, it vests ultimate power in Congress. Congress may pass federal laws regulating national elections that automatically displace/preempt any contrary state statutes, or enact its own regulations concerning those aspects of elections that states may not have addressed.

My intent here is to suggest what must be done if we are to successfully protect one of our most basic freedoms, free and fair elections.  Notwithstanding the necessity to investigate and report to the American people, I do not believe the Biden administration will touch election fraud with a ten-foot pole.  Therefore, It will become the most tragic result of the events on Capitol Hill, 6 January, 2020.

Given Biden’s complacency, our only alternative is to press hard for (not just “voter ID”) Voter ID CARDs.  Voter ID can provide some improvement, Voter ID CARDs will fix the fraud in spite of a do-nothing Biden Administration. 

Marvin L. Covault, Lt Gen US Army, retired, is the author of VISION TO EXECUTION, a book for leaders, a columnist for THE PILOT, a national award-winning local newspaper in Southern Pines, NC and the author of a blog,