The purpose of this article is to discuss one aspect of the national debate on abortion.  This is NOT about Roe v. Wade, a “women’s right to choose”, “life begins at conception” or the religious issues associated with abortion. 

On 28 January, 2019, in the Virginia House of Delegates, a committee heard testimony from Delegate Kathy Tran as she defended a proposed new abortion law, HB 2491.  There was a very meaningful, telling, disgusting exchange between democrat Delegate Tram and republican Delegate Todd Gilbert. 

The Bill HB2491 seeks to repeal the state’s current restrictions on late-term abortions.  If passed, the measure will do away with the state’s requirement that second and third trimester abortions be performed ONLY to preserve the health or life of the woman.  Currently, three physicians must conclude that a third-trimester abortion is NECESSARY to preserve the health or life of the woman. Under the new law, those requirements are stripped away. 

The exchange between Delegates Gilbert and Tram: 

Gilbert: “How late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated it would impair the mental health of the woman?” 

Tran: “So, I mean, through the third trimester. The third trimester goes all the way up to 40 weeks.”

Gilbert: “Okay? But to the end of the third trimester?”

Tran: “Yep. I don’t think we have a limit in the bill.

Gilbert: “Where it’s obvious that a woman is about to give birth. She has physical signs that she is about to give birth. Would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so-certified?” (long pause) Gilbert goes on to say, “she’s dilating,”.

After another long pause, Tram replies: “Mr. Chairman, that would be a decision that the doctor, the physician and the woman would make at that point.”

“I understand that,” Gilbert replied. “I’m asking if your bill allows that.”

Tran replied: “My bill would allow that, yes.”

We cannot discount this as testimony from Tram as some deranged radical.  This proposal has received support from Virginia democrat Gov. Ralph Northam as well as a number of democrat lawmakers.

Family Foundation President Victoria Cobb commented, “This bill creates abortion, virtually on demand, up until the point of birth.”

Last week, New York democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo celebrated, with great fanfare, the alteration of their existing abortion law to allow NON-DOCTORS to conduct abortions until the mother’s due date if the woman’s HEALTH (not LIFE) is endangered.  Comment:  By the very nature of childbirth, isn’t there always a risk to the woman’s health?  Google it up, it’s a long list of bad things that can/do go wrong.  The wording in that law gives every pregnant woman in New York the “go” signal for an abortion at any time, right up to the last minute. 

Time to look at a couple definitions: First-degree murder is any intentional murder that is willful and premeditated.  Second-degree murder is any intentional murder but is not premeditated or planned in advance.

Way to go New York and possibly soon-to-be Virginia!  You have now given every young female the right to commit, at least second if not first degree, murder with only a few minutes thought and walk away free. Given a scenario wherein a healthy woman can decide, within a few minutes of her baby taking his/her first breath, to have that baby killed is beyond barbaric. 

Then confound that murder with the possibility of immediate action to harvest healthy, vital organs and perhaps sell them.  Well. you say, that could never happen in America.  Take off your rose-colored glasses, go back to the 2014-15 time-frame and review the live interviews that were conducted clandestinely with Planned Parenthood physicians. Those interviews were refuted, of course, by Planned Parenthood organization but never proven to be false.

This is not about Row v. Wade.  This is not about the question of when life begins.  This is about seriously looking for an answer to the question, what have we become?  How do the tens of millions of Americans who are celebrating these new monstrous laws believe this is goodness?  How do you look into the future and see that, because of this, we will arrive at a better place?

Marv Covault