Joe and Jill Biden appeared at a National Education Association gathering on the 4th of July.  Jill introduced her husband emphatically referring to him as the “education President.” (Question, are we to assume this is another moniker to go along with Biden’s self-designated title, “Bidenomics president?”)   Moving on, I take “education president” as a short-hand way of implying that he has fostered plans and programs to get education out of its present pathetic performance mess. Before we make that leap of faith, perhaps we should review the bidding on Biden’s education track record. 


One, public education is facing a crisis of epic proportions by flooding society with functionally illiterate high school graduates. 

Two, proficiency levels in all subjects took a nose-dive during the pandemic.

Three, proficiency levels have continued to decline in the post-pandemic school year.

Four, poor education and high drop-out numbers are particularly harmful to minorities and low-income families.

Five, Biden will not talk about the above four facts.


The best way to nail down a definition of the education problem is to look at data from the reputable National Assessment of Education Progress:


4th grade, 67% are below Proficiency level.

8th grade, 75% are below Proficiency level.

12th grade, 76% are below Proficiency level.


4th grade, 68% are below Proficient level.                

8th grade, 71% are below Proficient level.

12th grade, 63% are below Proficiency level.

This data is a combination of results from both charter schools and traditional public schools (TPS). The Wall Street Journal recently reported that independently run schools, commonly referred to as charter schools, are, “blowing away their traditional public-school competition in student performance.” 

Stanford’s Center for Research on Education Outcome, (CREDO) has been tracking charter school performance since 2009 covering over two million charter students in 29 states.

In 2009, CREDO’s study concluded that charters did not provide better performance outcomes than TPS. However, the latest review found that charters “advanced more than their TPS peers by a large margin in math and reading.”

One reason this charter vs TPS discussion is so important is that school choice has become a national political issue, generally with the Republican Party advocating for the advancement of school choice and the Democrat Party limiting school choice in general and charter schools in particular.


Public charter schools served 3.7 million students in 7,800 schools during the 2020-2021 school year which is 7.5% of all public-school students. And charters have waiting lists for millions more.  It is important to note that 69% of charter students are minority and two-thirds are from low-income households.

Facts shared by nearly all the states: Charter schools are authorized by the State Boards of Education. Charter schools are tuition-free schools of choice that are operated mostly by independent non-profit boards of directors. 

The two major teachers’ unions, the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) consistently spread false information against charter schools. 

  • Lie # 1: “Charter schools are unaccountable, private schools that take money away from district schools.” Truth: Charter schools are 100% accountable to state authorities. Charter school students are typically funded at $0.73/dollar compared to TPS students.
  • Lie # 2: “Charter schools don’t serve a diverse population of students; they get to hand pick their students to populate their schools.” The truth is, if a child is eligible to attend a public government school, parents may apply to any charter school.  If a charter school receives more applications than its capacity, a lottery is conducted. Discrimination based on race, national origin, or religion is prohibited. While only 4% of traditional public schools have student bodies that are 99% minority, 17% of charter schools are 99% minority.
  • Lie # 3: “Charter schools are not academically superior to government-run public schools.”  Truth: In New York City, for example, in a number of minority communities, traditional public school and charter school classes are co-located in a common building.  In one co-mingled building, in 28 different classes, less than 10% of the government-run public school students tested to a proficient level while 81-100% of charter students were proficient.

Why do charter school students perform better?  Government-run public schools are top-down highly regulated vs charters with their own organization, planning and programs allowing them the freedom to

use innovative school models and customized approaches to curriculum, staffing, budgeting and teaching. The bottom line is that attributes like organization, innovation and freedom make a difference in any organization. Charters feel less constrained and every day are seeking to be all they can be for students and parents.

This is a summary of what the teachers’ union leaders are telling we-the-people about charter schools: Charter schools are privately-operated, deregulated, segregated, poorly-supervised, de-unionized scandal-ridden contract schools that drain much-needed funds from demonized public schools.  Those descriptions are all lies.

To illustrate how out-of-control the teachers unions can get, when California was considering sending teachers back into the classroom in 2021, the Los Angeles Teachers’ Union made the following demands: “defund the police, a moratorium on new charter schools, new wealth taxes on California millionaires and billionaires and Medicare-for-all at the federal level.” Three questions come to mind: 1) How did they get so far out of their lane?  2) Why are they a decision-maker on when teachers return to the classroom? 3) How did they get that much power and influence?


Almost 2,000 high schools across the U.S. graduate less than 60% of their students. Those “dropout factories” account for over 50% of the students who leave school every year. One in six students attend a dropout factory.  One in three minority students (32%) attend a dropout factory compared to 8% of white students.

The key question is, what happens to these failing government-run public schools?  Usually nothing.

By contrast, if charter students do not measure up to standards, the school is subject to being shut down by state law.  Is accountability important in education?  Yes, it is the ultimate arbiter.


February 2020, Biden campaigning in South Carolina, “I am not a charter school fan.” No explanation as to why he not a fan.

Biden during the 2020 campaign: “There are some charter schools that work.”  Wow, what a resounding endorsement!  And, “I will stop all federal funding for for-profit charter schools.” Only about 16 percent of charter schools across the country are operated by for-profit entities.

2021, a small provision tucked into a massive federal budget proposal put forth by the Democrat House Appropriations Committee would cut money for charter schools by $40 million and could potentially limit many charter schools from receiving federal funds altogether.

March 2022, the Biden administration’s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education issued 13 pages of rules designed to cut off charter schools from federal support and that will likely serve as a model for state regulations limiting charters. One of the new regulations essentially provides public schools with veto power over a decision to locate a charter school in their area.Newsweek, “A plain reading of the text makes the absurdity obvious. Charter schools compete with public schools. The Biden Administration is trying to force charters to be subservient to traditional public schools.”

Leaders across the charter school community have said the new requirements would quell the growth of such schools.

MAY 2023, new rules proposed by the Education Department to govern a federal grant program for charter schools are drawing bipartisan backlash and angering parents, who say the Biden administration is seeking to stymie schools that have fallen out of favor with many Democrats but maintain strong support among Black and Latino families.


The U.S. is becoming increasingly more functionally illiterate. Covid was a setback in terms of the numbers of K-12 students who are not proficient in all of their subjects; but results from Covid are an anomaly in an ongoing national education crisis; post-pandemic proficiency is still on the decline.  

Various studies and statistics tell us that students who come from lower-income families or students who are English language learners have higher success and performance rates in charter schools than their public-school counterparts.

Generally, across the nation, charter school students score higher on achievement tests than students in government-run public schools.

A study from Bellwether Education Partners shows charter schools are finding what works through innovation, replicating their success and ultimately producing accelerated achievement gains for students.


If we want to help minority Americans, we need to give them a better education and thereafter a better chance at a better life. But our education president’s track record speaks for itself; he will forego desperately needed improvement in education because of his blind fanatical support for unions.

Mr. President, listen to Americans and then build policies to support them; 67% of voters support school choice and it is increasing every year. Stop your senseless pandering to unions; they are not part of the education solution.  We have an education national crisis and you won’t even talk about it. Obviously, you are not actively looking for solutions with your anti-charter school stance. You, Mr. president, with your leadership of the Democrat Party, are standing in the way of potential progress especially for minorities and low-income families; those you profess to care about. Your conduct is shameful and unamerican.   

The Wall Street Journal has an insightful concluding remark in their article, “The real reason the unions object to more charter schools is that charter school learning proves there is no excuse for failing children.”  Amen.

Marvin L. Covault, Lt Gen US Army, retired, is the author of VISION TO EXECUTION, a book for leaders, and a new book May 2022, FIX THE SYSTEMS, TRANSFORM AMERICA as well as the author of a blog


NEWS FLASH:  The 2024 campaign is well underway.  What are the Republicans generally campaigning for? What are the new policy initiatives? What are the priorities?  What are we against? How can I find out more about the 2024 Republican Platform?  Good questions; let’s go to the RNC website and get some answers. 

OK, I’m in the RNC website; here is the platform page:


During the 2020 presidential campaign, because of Covid, the Platform Committee did not meet. While the remainder of society was conducting business via zoom the Republican Party powers-that-be decided to take a pass.  After all, it was just a campaign for the Presidency, 35 Senators, the entire House of Representatives, 11 governors and 44 state legislatures.  Just 78 days before the 2020 presidential election, on 22 August, 2020, the RNC published these applicable Resolutions:

“RESOLVED, that the 2020 Republican National Convention will adjourn without adopting a new platform until the 2024 Republican National Convention;

RESOLVED, that any motion to amend the 2016 Platform or to adopt a new platform, including any motion to suspend the procedures that will allow doing so, will be ruled out of order.”

If you are one of the thousands of Republicans who will be campaigning over the next year and you want to be on-board with what the Republican Party is all about, go to this page in today’s RNC website:




That’s it, that’s all the RNC has to offer the thousands of Republican candidates across the country until the Republican National Convention 15-18 July NEXT YEAR.

Let’s step back and take a look at the lunacy of this entire platform business. If this was a normal functioning organization, the presidential campaign would be looked upon as a long-range (four year) on-going, strategic planning process.  The RNC’s Campaign OPPLAN 2024 would consist of some number of phases. Phase 1 would be the RNC planning phase and would take about 30 days to lay out the whole program. Campaign OPPLAN 2024 could/should contain the following elements:  

  • Define a realistic end state.
  • Draft a mission statement for everyone to see and understand.
  • Provide a statement of the RNC’s intent for the 4-year plan.  
  • Develop Centers of gravity for each phase; i.e., a place, person, thing belief, circumstance or condition that is central to success or could possibly cause failure in that phase. Track them every day.
  • Specify how the RNC will organize for action:

–Have a 2024 War Council: A few of the best and brightest at the RNC headquarters who can be brought together at any moment to provide the boss with some immediate comments on a new proposal or crisis issue.

–Have a 2024 Red Team: A small group at the RNC Headquarters who are tasked to be knowledgeable about everything the Democrats are doing/saying/thinking and how they believe the Democrat Party will respond to each RNC initiative.

—Have a 2024 Kitchen Cabinet consisting of three or four grey-beards who are highly respected experienced Republicans (the likes of former Secretary of Education, William Bennett) who will be consulted on every large issue and are invited to provide advice even when not asked.

–organize 2024 Review and Analysis Teams: Example, Biden gets behind a microphone and proclaims, “Today my administration announced that this year the deficit fell by $1.4 trillion, the largest one-year drop in American history.” An R&A team will be assigned to immediately (within minutes) get on it.  They will fact check the statement, do some quick research on what the real deficit will be and get a Fact Sheet posted on the RNC website by close-of- business THAT DAY. Have a system in place that would allow the thousands of Republican candidates to be an R&A Subscriber; meaning, they will get an alert any time an R&A fact sheet is published. Result, get the Republican Party aligned and energized on the issue-of-the-day.

Back to the Republican Platform document. The platform should be a central feature of Campaign OPPLAN 2024. But and this is a huge “but”, we cannot/should not wait until the Republican National Convention 15-18 July of 2024 for the Republican Platform Committee to meet and draft a 2024 Platform document.  This is simply the dumbest possible sequence of events imaginable.  Candidates will have been actively campaigning for over a year without this major policy document in place. In fact, Presidential candidates are campaigning right now, today, with a worthless 2016 Republican Platform as their primary reference document. Who the hell is running this shit-show?

The Republican Platform should be a central feature of Campaign OPPLAN 2024.  It should be published early, perhaps in phase 2 or 3 of the OPLAN.

In the 2016 Platform there are about 90 different subjects in narrative form; many are outdated, some are too long, some too brief, there are different presentation formats, and many are lacking enough facts.  Additionally, the format is such that it is not easy for candidates to readily copy off a one-page subject with talking points for use during a campaign day. 

We need a Platform document that is a useful, convenient campaign tool-box.  For example, each subject should be presented in a stand-alone talking-paper formatted something like this:


CURRENT SITUATION: Use lots of facts, for example: There are X-million ineligible voters on existing voter registration rolls, X dead voters voted in 2020, X districts had more votes counted than existing eligible voters, voter fraud is associated with mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting and ballot drop boxes, State legislatures changed laws and rules during the voting period. Polls tell us XX% of Americans believe a voter should be able to provide a document proving their eligibility to vote. Etc.

DEMOCRAT POSITION: “Voter ID is racist

REPUBLICAN SOLUTION:  Briefly outline the voter ID reform law proposal.

CONCLUSIONS:  Free and honest elections are a cornerstone of this country.  We cannot allow election results to be in question. Voting is both a right and a responsibility.

The point of having a format is that it will be familiar, usable, brief and assist in getting Republican candidates across the nation aligned on the major issues of the day.


The website issues are more complicated by the fact that there isn’t just one official website, there are two; and You have to open both to get the whole picture.  Crazy.

The RNC website is not, in its current state, a useful resource.  To make it more effective, first get the RNC organized for action around a Campaign OPPLAN 2024 and then build a supportive website around that concept.

Rule # 1, when making an assessment of any organization it is always helpful to begin by looking at the organization diagram. Starting at the top for the RNC, you will see, “Chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel, Co-Chair Drew McKissick”.  Rule-of-thumb for leading an organization, when two people are in charge, no one is in charge. Co-chair?


Without a Platform document, the Republican Party is already behind the power curve for the 2024 election. Get it done, now.

Marvin L. Covault, Lt Gen US Army, retired, is the author of VISION TO EXECUTION, a book for leaders, and a new book May 2022, FIX THE SYSTEMS, TRANSFORM AMERICA as well as the author of a blog



The purpose of this article is to send a message to the so-far twelve announced Republican candidates for president. Why?  So far, at best you are getting no better than a C-minus on your campaign messaging.  Too many BGOs, Blinding Glimpses of the Obvious, such as, “We have to secure the border.”  “The economy is a mess.” “The Democrats have weaponized the federal government.” Stop with the generalized sound bites for the evening news.  Stop with the sniping of fellow candidates because the voters hate it and if a candidate is unqualified, the voters will figure it out on their own.  

Author’s note:  last year I published a how-to book entitled, Fix the Systems, Transform America. My purpose was to select some of America’s most pressing issues, define the problems and present a concept of operations on how to solve each of them.  I believe this is what the current announced Republican candidates for president should be doing; concentrate on transformational issues that are on the minds of most Americans right now.  I believe this is what the voters want because they believe this country is on the wrong track and at a turning point like no other time in modern history. This article is not about selling books; it is about selling ideas that I believe the candidates should be focused on if they want to be president. I will present them to you in the form of 12  memos to the candidates. 


  • One, invoke President Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment, “Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.”
  • Two, decide on a list of major issues that desperately need to get fixed; e.g., education, election reform, illegal immigration, etc. Then campaign on the details. Be able to explain the who/what/when/where/why/how for each. Let the facts create the headline for the nightly news.
  • Three, stop with the generalizations; get specific and load your campaign speeches with facts, facts and more facts about everything that has happened in Biden’s first disastrous two years in office. Educate the American public. Tell them things they have not heard before. Attack Biden by feeding all of his insulting fact-less assertions about Republican racism, extremism and domestic terrorism back to the American people and explain exactly why he does not have a clue about what he is reading on the teleprompter. Get your staff working on a comprehensive list of Biden’s lies and throw them back in his face with facts and the truth. Republican candidates, should, day-after-day, challenge Biden to produce supporting facts to back up his insane assertions. Challenge him on a definition of “Maga extremist.”  Explain to the voters that Biden’s constant blame game is the last vestige of a failed leader and this country cannot survive four more years of his nonsense.
  • Four, begin every campaign speech with this sentence (keep it updated with new polling data through the next 16 months):  NBC poll released 25 June 2023 reveals that, “just 20 % of Americans believe we are on the right track, while 74% believe we are on the wrong tack.”
  • Five, take on Biden and everything he says.  He will undoubtedly provide you with enough mis-statement, just plain dumb ideas and out-right lies to keep you busy. Have a research team standing by at all times to provide you with fact-checked data to keep the president off-balance. For example: 

Biden has already made “race” a central issue as he begins his campaign. By just looking back over some of his quotes we can see a picture emerge:

  • “Domestic terrorism rooted in white supremacy is the greatest threat to our homeland today.”
  • Trump and the Maga Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.”
  • “Republican forces, loyal to Donald Trump, fan the flames of political violence.” 
  • “The MAGA crowd” is the most extreme political organization that’s existed in recent American history.”

The combination of these ridiculous thoughts leads us to one conclusion; by repeated inference, Biden is suggesting to the American people that the seventy million citizens who supported and voted for Trump in the 2020 election are white supremacists, racist, extremists, domestic terrorists and an existential threat to America in general and our democracy in particular.

The Democrats have been through this type of pathetic, ignorant, insulting campaign strategy once before. Recall in 2016 when Hillary Clinton lectured to America that at least “half” of Trump supporters, “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic.” How did that work out for the Dems?

Every day on the campaign trail, pose this question to Biden; are the Maga extremists the seventy million Americans who strongly believe we need a do-over of making-America-great-again because you have screwed it up so bad in just two years? Challenge Biden in every campaign speech by asking: Is it Maga extremism and an existential threat for Americans to want:

  • To have $2 gas again?
  • To have 1.4% inflation rate again?
  • To be Energy independent again?
  • To have secure borders?
  • To not have 300 young Americans dying every day from China/Mexican drugs?
  • To have sufficient strategic oil reserves?
  • To have a strong, respected, combat-ready military?
  • To have respect from our allies and fear from our enemies.
  • To believe in meritocracy, the backbone of the greatest nation on earth?
  • To have record unemployment for women and minorities?
  • To put North Korea’s threatening nuclear and missile program on hold?
  • To have renewed confidence in Saudi Arabia as a decades-old major friend and ally in the Middle East?
  • To have Arab countries again lining up to make peace with Israel?
  • To continuously reach out and respect Israel as our greatest long-time democratic ally in the Middle East?
  • To attack the regulation-nation federal bureaucracy?
  • To reduce taxes which in turn will increase government revenue?
  • To be able to safely walk the streets of our once great cities.
  • To know that NATO members are under U.S. pressure to meet their military requirements?
  • To recognize Iran for what it is; the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism.

Republican candidates could end that speech by asking the crowd, is that the America you want to live in? If so, you should be proud to be a Maga extremist.  Get aggressive, get mad, use facts not sound bites and shove Biden’s stupid Maga extremist rhetoric down his throat.


I’m reminded of Senator Tim Kaine’s speech as Hillary’s Vice-Presidential candidate in 2016; Kaine said:

“The first African Americans sent into the English colonies came to Point Comfort, Virginia, in 1619. They were slaves. They had been captured against their will. But they landed in colonies that didn’t have slavery. There were no laws about slavery in the colonies at that time. The United States didn’t inherit slavery from anybody. We created it. It got created by the Virginia General Assembly and the legislatures of other states. It got created by the court systems in colonial America; we created it.”

While we all recognize that man’s inhumanity in the form of slavery has been one of the great travesties in the history of mankind, it did not originate in the U.S. Slavery has existed in almost every civilization, dating back as far as 3500 BC. Although slavery is no longer legal anywhere in the world, human trafficking remains an international problem and an estimated 25-40 million people are enslaved today, the majority in Asia. 

The slavery issue led the U.S. to the Civil War, 1861-1865.  Author Ron Chernow’s book, Grant, is arguably the best history ever written about America during the 30-year period from 1845-1875.  It deals with the run-up to the Civil War, the war itself and the post-war period.  General, and later President, Ulysses S. Grant is the central figure. 

Grant believed in abolishing slavery; he was a champion of African Americans and throughout the Civil War he used his influence and leadership to assist slaves escaping from the Confederate states.  President Lincoln, a Republican, agreed with General Grant and advocated for abolition of slavery and signed the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1st, 1863.

During the siege of Richmond Virginia in the final months of the Civil War, General Grant and President Lincoln met frequently to discuss and plan for what freedom and equality should mean for the freed slaves at the war’s end. Their plan included the right to own property, to vote and hold office. The freed slaves would have access to all educational opportunities, public transportation and commercial activities; everything white citizens had.  That was the Republican Party plan.

The Civil War ended when General Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House on April the 9th, 1865.  Five days later President Lincoln was assassinated. The vision President Lincoln and General Grant had for the freed slaves died with the President. 

Lincoln’s Vice President, Andrew Johnson a Democrat, was sworn in as President.  Johnson was a weak, indecisive President and sided with the powerful Democrat leaders in the Confederate states to restrict the freedoms for the freed slaves. The grand Lincoln/Grant plan for post-war reconstruction never came to fruition. 

Not only were African Americans denied equal rights, they were, for the most part, economic and social captives in the southern states and subjected to one of the darkest periods in American history.  The rise of the Democrat-sponsored Ku Klux Klan was dramatic and literally threatened the lives and livelihood of all freed slaves without fear of retribution or law enforcement.  It is estimated that there was a KKK organization in nearly every county in the former Confederate states.  President Johnson turned a blind eye to the KKK devastation.  KKK chapters still exist today in 41 states.  When was the last time you heard Biden speak out about the KKK?

The single most obvious and despicable racist overt action is to deny Black Americans the opportunity to live where they want to, to dine in whatever restaurant they choose or to stay in any hotel they want. It’s called forced and then enforced segregation.  

For 99 years following the end of the Civil War, the centerpiece of the Democratic party was segregation and all that it entailed.  From 1865 to 1964 the Democrats were the party of the south.  They demanded, got and enforced segregation of African Americans for 99 years. 

As a young adult, I recall TV coverage of the Democratic Party’s pledge to continue segregation and keep African Americans riding in the back of the bus, drinking from “blacks only” fountains, from ordering a cup of coffee in a restaurant or attending a white school.  Two examples:

Orval Faubus, Democrat Governor of Arkansas, 1955 to 1967; defied an order to desegregate the Little Rock School District and ordered the Arkansas National Guard to prevent black students from attending Little Rock Central High School.  His order was in direct violation of the unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision made in the 1954 desegregation case of Brown v. Board of Education.  

George Wallace, Governor of Alabama, sought the United States presidency as a Democrat three times.  He is best remembered for his staunch opposition to desegregation and declared in his 1963 Governor’s Inaugural Address that he stood for, “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”

I will take the liberty here to speak for the nearly 20 million U.S. military veterans alive today; most, I believe, share my feelings. I care about African Americans. I know African Americans.  While serving 32 years in the U.S. Army I stood shoulder to shoulder with them every single day.  I served under and was mentored by outstanding Black leaders. I led them, trained with them, fought beside them.  I respect their courage, capabilities and commitment.  Here is what I know to be true; the only difference between white Americans and Black Americans is the color of our skin. Period. I believe most Americans throughout this great country feel this way and when Biden casually and ignorantly paints tens of millions of us with his racist paint brush for political gain, respect for him as a person and especially as a leader is simply not possible. My president calls me a racist simply because I believe an adult living in the U.S. should be willing to show proof of their voter eligibility. 

Some will counter this conclusion by saying, yes, but if you go into a predominantly African American community, you will experience a different culture.  Certainly, you will, just as if you entered a predominantly Italian, or Polish, or Jewish community.  Differences in culture does not translate to inferiority.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended the 99-year Democratic Party hold on segregation; sort of.  The “colored only” signs went away and Democrats could no longer publicly embrace segregation as a pillar of their party platform.  Did that mean there was an instant cleansing of the Democrat abhorrent attachment to segregation?  Apparently not as only 7% of the Democrats in Congress from the former Confederate states voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act compared with 90% from the former Union states. Overall, 64% of Democrats in the Congress voted yes for the Civil Rights Act while 80% of the Republicans did.

So, almost 60 years after the Civil Rights Act, what is the Democrat Party agenda?  Look at the state of African American communities in Detroit, Baltimore, Washington DC, East St Louis, Chicago; it’s a long list, and they all have one thing in common; decades of continuous Democratic Party control. It is called “identity politics.”  That is, the Democrats identify a segment of the population, Black communities for example, provide government programs that create a dependency on the government for life’s essentials; housing, heat, food, child care, etc. They then convince the African American voters that the Republicans want to take away their benefits.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  The United States, is the most benevolent country in the world.  For those who are incapable of providing for themselves, there will always be a government helping hand.  The difference between the two parties is that the Republicans want to create a business-based economy in the Black communities.  The Republicans do not want any identity group in a state of dependency but rather in an environment where they can be self-sufficient, live their lives believing in self-worth, higher esteem and properly providing for their families. 

Yes, the Republicans want to do away with some government handouts but ONLY, only, when they are no longer needed. 

The community of East Lake is about five miles east of downtown Atlanta, Georgia.  In the mid-1990s, only 13% of the residents of the East Lake Meadows housing projects had a job; 87% UNEMPLOYMENT.  The high school graduation rate was about 30%.  The crime rate was 18 times the national average.

Through an array of Republican-led community efforts working together, the nightmare for East Lake is history.  Of the first graduating class from Charles R. Drew Charter School (pre-K through grade 12) 100% were accepted into college in 2017.  The streets are safe, the gangs are gone, the government housing project has been removed.  East Lake is a model community studied by groups from across the country who want to move away from Democrat government-controlled poverty.

During Donald Trump’s campaign in 2016, he addressed the African American community and summed up their potential future with a single phrase, “What the hell do you have to lose?” In eight words he made the case I have been trying to explain in the above paragraphs.  As President, he accomplished more for African American communities in 18 months than any other President.  Black American unemployment was at an all-time low.  Americans on SNAP (food stamps) decreased by about 2 million with the rise in employment, better pay, less taxes and full-time jobs.  This is an example of taking away a government handout when, and only when, it is no longer needed.  Self-sufficiency, self-esteem in the Black communities was on the rise. 

I believe all of the Republican candidates should vigorously attack Biden for his lies about systemic Republican white supremacy and racism.  Just consider the FACTS; historically, the Democratic Party was the party of slavery, the party of the Ku Klux Klan, the party that held up post-Civil War freedom and equality for 99 years, the party of segregation and the party that did not wholly embrace The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the party with emphasis on identity group government dependency.  Lay out these facts and educate the American people as to what slavery was, is and the Democrat’s role over the last 150 years.


Biden is campaigning on how great the economy is, how it is growing, how his economic plan is better for every American and he has made it happen.  The truth is that the subjects that he will brag about are the low-hanging-fruit.  What you, Mr. and Mrs. candidate, need to do is get your staff looking inside Biden’s narrative and tell the American people the real economic story.  For example.

October, 2022, Biden said, “Today, my administration announced that this year the deficit fell by $1.4 trillion, the largest one-year drop in American history.” Not so fast with the smoke-and-mirrors, Mr. President. Fact, The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, CRFB, is a non-profit public policy organization based in Washington, D.C. that addresses federal budget and fiscal issues. They explained that in the previous fiscal year, there were multi-trillion-dollar expenditures for Covid relief that, under the law, was one-year-only authorized spending.  CRFB also noted that, “Even after this post-pandemic drop, deficits will remain historically high. The President’s actions to date have not reduced deficits but instead increased them.  Between the American Rescue Plan, the bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and various executive orders, we estimate at least $2.5 trillion has been added to deficits through 2031 over the President’s term so far.” This is classic Biden double speak that borders on outright lying to the American people.

Biden: “There are two leading causes of inflation we’re seeing today.  The first cause of inflation is a once-in-a-century pandemic. And, this year we have a second cause, Mr. Putin’s war in Ukraine.”  The presidential blame game in full force.

Facts, the two major contributors to the rapid rise in the inflation rate in 2021 were a $1.9 trillion Covid Stimulus Bill, March 2021, that most economists saw as a needless and dangerous infusion into the economy. Simply stated, when people have more money, they spend it. Demand for goods rises, driving inflation. 

Secondly the self-inflicted wound that Biden, strictly for political reasons, inflicted on all Americans about 4:00pm on inauguration day when he signed an executive order that caused immediate chaos throughout the energy industry and propelled the price of a gallon of gas from $2.32 on 21 January, 2021 to $4.31 14 months later.  There are many factors that add up to the cost of producing and getting a product to the market place. Multiple transportation means from raw materials to finished product is a huge cost factor.  Simply stated, when the cost of fuel almost doubled over a short period, the price of every single thing we buy got priced up.

Fact: The consumer price index, the most common measure of inflation, hit a peak of 9.1%. When Biden took office, the annualized rate was 1.4%. Wages and inflation both have gone up, but real take-home weekly wages, adjusted for inflation, declined 2.2% for tens of millions of Americans. By comparison, consumer price index increases in the first 27 months of their terms in office: Bush + 6%, Obama (first term) + 2%, Obama (second term) +5.5%, Trump +4.9%, Biden +15.2%.

Inflation negatively impacts everyone. But, while the day-to-day impact on the wealthy is negligible it impacts increasingly for descending income levels.  At the lowest income levels, families can no longer afford life’s necessities, food, shelter, transportation.

Biden’s response to all of this misery is, “We’re doing everything we can to keep gas prices down, and the Republicans are against it all.” Always back to the blame-game; as stated earlier, the last vestige of a failed leader.

In another attempt to explain away his ineptitude and the failure of his economic plan, Biden has enlightened us with these words of wisdom, “It’s (inflation is) mega MAGA trickle-down; the kind of policies that have failed the country before and will fail it again”. 

Furthermore, to literally add insult to injury, the readily accepted antidote for inflation is to raise interest rates.  Rich folks don’t worry about a house mortgage or car payment.  But the middle- and lower-income classes do and Biden’s inflation has caused interest rates to more than double, negatively impacting tens of millions of Americans every day.

OK candidates, with the above as a starter, get your folks doing some research and every time Biden gets behind his bully-pulpit and tells you how great things are for the middle class and lower income groups, be ready to tell the American public the truth. And don’t be shy about calling a presidential lie just that. A lie is a lie no matter your position in life. 


Before we move towards a solution it may be instructive to look closer at some verifiable statistics on our nation-wide education problem. The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the only assessment that measures what U.S. students know and can do in various subjects across the nation. Also known as The Nation’s Report Card, they grade mathematics, reading, science, writing, technology, arts, civics, geography, economics, and U.S. history for grades 4th and 8th every 2 years and 12th grade every 4 years.

Pre-covid NAEP report card: In 2019 NAEP tested 150,600 grade 4 students, 143,100 grade 8, and 26,700 grade 12 students.  Here is a summary pulled from a large comprehensive report:

Reading:  The assessment measures reading comprehension by asking students to read selected grade-appropriate materials and answer questions based on what they have read. 

                                    Grade 4           Grade 8             Grade 12

NOT proficient:               59%                 66%                     76%

Mathematics: The assessment measures both mathematics knowledge and the students’ ability to apply their knowledge in problem-solving situations.

                                    Grade 4             Grade 8           Grade 12

NOT proficient:           65%                    66%               63%

The NAEP recently published the 2023 results and proficiency in math and reading have declined further.

Other subjects were even worse.  For high school seniors 88% NOT proficient in history, 77% NOT proficient in writing ability and 78% NOT proficient in science.            

Generally speaking, two thirds of our high school graduates are not adequately prepared to be all they can/should be.  And that says nothing about the 7,000 students who drop out every school day.  By the way, there is a correlation here; nearly 80% of prison inmates are school dropouts.

The concept to fix education and race relations is to use the home-room time first thing each school day for volunteers to lead character education discussions with a class of students that will remain together each school day K-12. They will mold into a “gang”, know and respect each other, have each other’s back, and be steeped in the following subjects: ACCOUNTABILITY, CITIZENSHIP, COMMITMENT, COMPASSION, COURAGE OF CONVICTIONS, COURTESY, CONFIDENCE, HEALTHY HABITS, HONESTY, HONOR, HUMILITY, INTEGRITY, JUDGMENT, LEADERSHIP, MORALITY, PERSEVERANCE, PUNCTUALITY, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, SELF-RESPECT, SELFLESS SERVICE, SPORTSMANSHIP AND TRUST. That is, teach and talk about values.  Call it the Character Curriculum. There will need to be three versions of the curriculum; elementary K-5, middle school 6-8 and high school 9-12.  Out of this will come an overpowering culture of accountability, respect and trust. There is proof that this concept is transformational for youngsters and hence entire generations in so many positive ways.

 It’s called Campaign Home Room. With 180 million adults in households with children under age 18, about 60 million K-12 students and 4.5 million teachers, about three of every four Americans, will, in some way, be involved in this campaign.

Three things you should understand about Campaign Home Room.  One, it will save tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer money per year. Two, there is proof of concept that character education is transformational. Three, the elements of this program that will fix education are the same ones to set in motion to simultaneously drastically improve race relations throughout America.

Fixing education and race relations is Chapter one in the reference book, Fix the Systems, Transform America. 


A nation without secure borders is a nation in crisis.  The staggering statistics speak for themselves; over 6 million illegals have entered the U.S. since Biden took office. Last year an estimated 500,000 “got-aways” entered illegally. The got-aways are those who do not willfully surrender to the Border Patrol because they are criminals, gang members, drug and human traffickers, terrorists and Mexican cartel members who can and are doing great harm to America.

Biden’s open border policy is the most egregious national security threat ever willfully inflicted on America by any president. Additionally, the VP and all Department heads are in chorus with the President when he repeatedly tells us, “The border is secure.”; another outright lie. 

If we were to brainstorm what an immigration system should do for us, the result would probably includer the following wish-list:

  • Institute a policy that will voluntarily shut down the masses of illegals assembling on the U.S./Mexican border to cross into the U.S.
  • Free up the Border Patrol agents to fulfill their intended mission; catch illegals and stop the flow of drugs, terrorists, gang members and human trafficking.
  • Create a path to citizenship for the hard-working, law-abiding illegals already in the U.S.
  • Provide a clear identification of the illegals that ICE should locate, arrest and deport.
  • Do all this with a program that pays for itself; saving taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars per year.

Every one of you Republican candidates should campaign on this issue, not with some sound bite, but with facts and a solution.

All of these results are easily doable and should be enacted by Congress in a law that would be less than 20 pages long. This concept of operations is Chapter 2 in the reference book.


For every eligible voter in America to be comfortable in the belief that his/her vote counts (once), and that none of the parts of the system are easily subverted by fraudulent actions/activities is right up there in importance with free speech.  If we cannot consistently hold free and honest elections, what does that say to us and to the world about our status, our morality, our honesty.  Without those attributes how can we be a model for the remainder of the world?  The sad truth is that too many Americans believe our elections processes are compromised.

Voter registration, primary election process, campaign finance, election day timing and vote counting/security; all brokensystems that can be easily fixed with a simple act of Congress.

Three-quarters of voters, and even two-thirds of Democrats, said they would be more confident in election results if every voter was required to show government-issued identification at the polls. Contrary to what the American people are saying, Biden, the VP and senior Democrats across the nation are telling us that voter ID is racist.

Every one of you Republican candidates should campaign on this issue, not with some sound bite but with facts and a solution.

There is a very simple fix that should be enacted by Congress in a law that would be less than 50 pages long. This concept of operations is Chapter 3 in the reference book.


A mammoth, sprawling, uncontrollable federal government was never the vision or intent of the founding fathers.  Organizations have a propensity to grow to a point of diminishing returns; it ceases to be efficient, effective and/or no longer performs the functions for which it was created.  At that point a large organization will tend to look inward and become self-perpetuating rather than value added.

 Some or all of that could apply today to the Departments and Agencies in the Executive Branch of the federal government. This results in two major problems that must get fixed. 

First, a too-large organization is very expensive to maintain.  A more effective and efficient Executive Branch will be much smaller and less expensive. Every 1% reduction in end-strength equals about a $1.5 billion saving in annual salaries plus billions of dollars more in long-term retirement pay and benefits.

Secondly, and more importantly, the annual U.S. budget boils up out of this massive organization. Every government-funded program is maintained and sustained inside these bureaucracies.  These programs are this organization’s PRODUCTGeneral Motor’s product is vehicles; the Executive Branch’s product is taxpayer supported programs.  The question is, what is the value added of those programs? 

An in-depth review will undoubtedly find programs that have existed for decades, their original purpose no longer relevant; programs that sounded good at their inception but have failed in execution; programs to solve a problem that should have been the purview of state or local officials; programs initiated to solve a short-term problem but live on forever.  The list is long; President Reagan summed up the problem with this statement, “Government is like a baby, an alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.” We must get government spending under control.  This is the place to start. 

Republican candidates should take this on as a campaign promise; it will be well received by the voters.  Go on to explain that, as their number one job, the Vice President will put together a task force consisting of the deputies in all of the Federal Government Departments and major Agencies.  They will begin at the lowest level branches and divisions and with a thorough review of mission, organization and product, determine the value added of that particular organizational piece.  Having worked their way to the top, they may even determine that the entire Department (Dept of Education, for example) should go away. This will take at least six months of intense work but the outcome will be a slimmer, more efficient, more effective, more economical government to perform the peoples’ bidding. This initiative will save hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars in both the near and long-term.

This concept of operations is Chapter 4 in the reference book.


The manner in which our Congress goes about performing it’s daily and mandatory annual duties is dysfunctional, erratic, and to the casual observer just plain pathetic. But don’t take my word for it; look at some polling results.

Respect for Congress as an organization: Since 1973 Gallop has published the results of an annual poll which seeks to list, best to worst, the organizations in which we-the-people have confidence.  The results for 2020: Thirteen percent say they have a “A Great Deal/Quite a Lot of confidence” in Congress while 45% respond, “Very Little/None.

Respect for Congress as a profession: In another survey of the most/least respected professions, Congress is dead last.  “Low/very low” 58%, “high/very high” 8%.

Respect for Congress on honesty and ethical standards: You guessed it, Congress is again dead last “High/very high” 8%, “low/very low” 63%. 

Wouldn’t one think, with an analysis of these survey results year after year, that Congress would, out of sheer embarrassment, at least try to improve?  Nope, not happening. 

Why is Congress rated so low? Here is a good example: In 2020 when the pandemic was beating up every aspect of our society the Congress concocted a 5,593-page-bill monstrosity for Covid-19 relief, The Cares Act.  Of course, it passed; nearly everyone could use a little relief from Covid and the taxpayers were stuck with the bill, all $1.8 trillion dollars of it.  But here is the pathetic part; under the guise of helping Americans through the pandemic, members of Congress took the opportunity to pork-up the bill with dozens, if not hundreds, of earmarked funding directives that had absolutely nothing to do with Covid or Covid relief.  Here is a sampling. 

$10 million for gender programs in Pakistan,

$300 million for fisheries,

$100 million for NASA,

$300 million to Endowment for the Arts,

$300 million to Endowment for the Humanities,

$300 million to Public Broadcasting,

$500 million for Museums and Libraries, 

$720 million to Social Security Administration,

$315 million to the State Department,

$90 million to the Peace Corp,

$492 million to National Railroad Passenger Corp,

$526 million grant to Amtrak. 

$4.7 billion in foreign aid to nine countries.

The takeaway from this example is that under different circumstances, each of these expenditures should have seen the light of day in one or more congressional committees where expert witnesses would have testified to the pros and cons of passing the funding.

The second takeaway is that the Covid Relief Act was not a one-off occurrence. Producing multi-thousand-page bills has become the norm. No one who votes for them has actually read them and therefore does not know what they are voting for or against. Should we be borrowing money for earmarks that have never been exposed to public scrutiny?

For years politicians have been emphasizing the need for infrastructure spending.  So, in 2121 Congress finally passed, in a bipartisan vote, a $1.2 trillion Infrastructure bill which, by the way, is also funding universal pre-K, child care, enhanced child tax credit, earned income tax credit, Affordable Care Act subsidies, Medicaid expansion, medical hearing benefits, affordable housing, Pell grants, children’s nutrition, immigration, state and local tax deductions, etc. etc. etc.  Only about 25% of the expenditures actually exist for real infrastructure such as roads, bridges and airports.

Additionally, every year Congress fails to pass a budget by 30 September and therefore takes the nation through the “continuing resolution” process for months into each new fiscal year.

Why has Congress become so continuously inept?  Simply stated, they do not have a set of established operational standards and any organization without standards is a failed organization. Establish and enforce a set of simple standards and a lot of things in Washington can get fixed, quickly. 

I am suggesting institutionalizing a set of seven operational standards for Congress.  The concept of operations is a 15-page who/what/when/where/why/how for candidates to run on.  Fixing Congress operationally will result in hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars saved every year thereby at least reducing deficit spending and possibly leading to a balanced budget and possibly debt reduction.  This concept will resonate with the electorate.

This concept of operations is Chapter 5 in the reference book.


January 20, 2017 while the nation watched the inauguration of President Trump, I recall one of the talking-heads on TV filling up some air time during the parade by launching into a diatribe about what President Trump needed to do to keep from losing the House and/or Senate majorities during the 2018 midterms.

So what? The so what of it all is that every day we see national issues, security issues, economic issues, crisis issues that are all tainted, delayed and debated in light of what it will “mean for the midterms”. The debate is too often not about what is best, or in some cases, what is absolutely necessary for the nation, but rather how it will impact the November midterm election results. Sad but true.

The unfortunate nature of politicians is that the next election is their top priority and everything else, no matter how important to the nation, is a distant second. To protect the nation from our politicians we need to change the environment and hopefully it might change their behavior. 

This suggested new concept of operations for senior members serving in the federal government will be like a deep breath of fresh air to the voters.  It is a valid concept with far-reaching implications as to how our elected officials from the president on down, look at their responsibilities and priorities.

Term limits and number of terms: 

  • President, 6 years, one term.
  • House of Representatives, 4 years, four terms.
  • Senate, 6 years, three terms.
  • Supreme Court Justices, 20 years.

The justification for each recommendation is in Chapter 6 in the reference book.


What has become alarmingly common today is reporting on increased anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and actual suicide among teens and young adults throughout our country. There is much to be gained by each individual and the country as a whole by requiring all young Americans following their 18th birthday to enroll in Universal Service for America.

Why should we do this? Gangs in the U.S. is reason enough alone to have a viable U.S.A. program.  The FBI reports, “Some 33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs with about 1.4 million members are criminally active in the U.S. today. The average number of members per gang is 42.  About half of all homicides in the U.S. are gang-related.”  The Justice Department reports that, “The average age of gang members arrested in the U.S. is 17 or 18.”  These statistics are reason enough to get these young adults off the street for a year and get them on a positive tract to a productive life. Also, the 7,000 teens who drop out of school each school day need a new direction. Also, with a new look on life, U.S.A. graduates will be less likely to choose a future on government welfare.

The U.S.A. mission will be to annually engage all 18-year-old Americans in a program that will immediately change their environment, enhance their education, build character, strengthen their self-determination and set in motion a lifelong appreciation for community service, all while internalizing and learning to live in a culture of accountability, trust and respect

This campaign with its character development, daily emphasis on values and teamwork, participants can ultimately change how a nation thinks and acts, from the bottom up, for generations to come. 

Why, Mr. and Mrs. candidate, should you campaign for a U.S.A. program?  To paraphrase a French political philosopher, Alexis de Tocqueville, who came to America in the 1820s to study our nation, he concluded in his book, Democracy in America, that America is great because it is good; when it ceases to be good it will cease to be great.  There needs to be a time and a place wherein all Americans can contemplate goodness and thereby plan to live a more fulfilling and productive life by being all they can be.  That time is now and that place will be as a participant in Universal Service for America.  Goodness doesn’t just happen; it is a work in progress. Our intent has to be focused on refreshing and perpetuating America’s goodness by building a rite-of-passage national service program that will transform America forever.

This concept of operations is Chapter 7 in the reference book.


Russia invaded the sovereign nation of Ukraine, February, 2022.  The world watches, in real-time, levels of destruction not seen since World War II.

This ongoing invasion is a game changer invoking questions like, “How could this possibly happen today?  Why have we not stopped it?  What can we do?  How can they deliberately target women and children?  Who can help?  Should some collective group of countries join forces and counter attack Russian forces?  What should NATO do?  Who would/should lead such a force?  etc. etc. etc.

How can we institutionalize a faster, better, more organized, more aggressive and all-inclusive plan for preemptive actions that would preclude this ever happening again? We need answers and actions.

The UN is an established international organization perfectly positioned to be a greater force for the greater good for the collective world. The UN mission is to, “Ensure international peace and security.” But, in its current state, it has been a complete failure in deterring conflict for over 75 years. This is principally because of the one-nation veto power by any permanent member nation of the all-powerful Security Council.  With Russia and China as permanent members, standing up any type of deterrent force is impossible.

In the absence of the UN, the U.S. should take the lead in signing up most of the UN member nations to be part of an independent International Deterrence Force, IDF.  The “D” in IDF definitely does not stand for Defense.  The IDF will not be designed for defense; it will send an undeniable message to any nation that is contemplating an offensive action that within seven days an overwhelming world force can be in-place for a counter offensive.  That is the real-world definition of deterrence.  NATO, in being since 1949, is a perfect example of deterrence in action. The IDF could borrow NATO’s Article 5 concept, “An attack on one member is an attack against all members.”

The U.S. could initiate actions to seek support from most of the 195 current UN member nations to join a new organization called United for World Peace. Each member nation would be assigned a piece of the offensive force, be it air transport, tactical air, naval forces, ground forces, special operations forces. The 34 nations without a military could provide medical and logistic elements. Every member nation would maintain its share of the force at a high state of readiness and immediately deployable to anywhere in the world.

The organization would look like this:

  • A small headquarters anywhere in the world.
  • An elected president of United for World Peace for one, six-year term.
  • A fully operational International Deterrence Force as described above.
  • Its only mission is to ensure international peace and security by requiring every contributing nation to exist in a state of continuous high readiness in one of four different readiness conditions.

-IDFCON 1:  Normal peacetime condition.  A completed plan will be in-place in every member nation.  Readiness standards will be in force for every IDF element.

-IDFCON 2:  The United for World Peace president and IDF Commander, having identified a potential threat to a member nation, will tailor a force for deployment and place them on 24-hour alert at their home base.

-IDFCON 3:  All personnel and equipment for the designated units will move to assembly areas.  Deployment aircraft will move to their first pick-up airfield. 

-IDFCON 4:  Deployment of all designated deterrence elements to the target area and prepare to initiate an overwhelming counter offensive. 

For example, in the months leading up to Russia’s February invasion of Ukraine, the IDF force would have sequentially moved from IDFCON 1 to 2 to 3 and been deployed under IDFCON 4 and ready to initiate immediate counter offensive actions against Russia.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the unprecedented civilian casualties and wanton destruction of civilian property has become a wake-up call for the world.  Now is the time, and it may never be more relevant, to strike with a plan that will, to the greatest extent possible, guarantee world peace.

The United for World Peace organization could conceivably consist of 150-190 countries.  Therefore, any nation contemplating an aggressive military action, the conflict could immediately become 150 or 190 to one contest; in a nut-shell, deterrence.  Here are two examples of IDF actions:

An attack on small-country “A” in Africa appears imminent by a larger neighboring country “B”.  The IDF Commander determines that inserting a couple infantry battalions on the ground could sufficiently deter the attack. Using the concept of always having an overwhelming advantage, the commander may in fact deploy two full combat-ready infantry brigades along with combat supporting forces and tactical air support. Result, Country “B” packs up and goes home. Deterrence, a powerful force for world peace; the only force for world peace.

A more serious and far-ranging scenario might look like this:  China continues to threaten Taiwan with aggressive air and naval operations.  It is determined that the demonstrations are a rehearsal for an actual attack.   The United for World Peace president and IDF Commander agree to go to IDFCON 3.  China’s achilleas heel is imported gas and oil.  China must import over 10 million of barrels of crude oil per day. Inform China that a combined naval force from dozens of IDF nations is enroute to the South China Sea to create an impenetrable blockade to all incoming gas and oil tanker ships.  Additionally, IDF missiles and aircraft capable of taking out the gas and oil pipelines from Russia to China will be immediately forward deployed.  Execution of this scenario could shut down China’s economy in a few weeks.  The UN Secretary General couldl request China publicly sign a pledge to acknowledge that forevermore Taiwan will be considered an independent nation free of all ties to China and provocative military actions against Taiwan is forbidden. Deterrence in action in support of world peace. 

Throughout the world today there is tremendous redundancy of military forces. Hundreds of billions of dollars in world-wide defense spending could be saved. Additionally, the IDF would supersede the need for multi-national alliances such as NATO. 

With a proactive International Deterrence Force in place, no nation would ever need to feel alone or stand alone.

There is currently a lot of discussion about the New World Order. Well, here is a new twist on The New World Order, call it World Peace.

This concept of operations is Chapter 8 in the reference book.


Let me reiterate, I’m not trying to sell books; I am trying to advance ideas that I believe can transform America into a better place for all of us.  And I am trying to convince each of you candidates that the above transformational issues can and will resonate with voters of all party affiliations.  As President Trump likes to remind us, “What the hell do you have to lose?” 

Although the reference, Fix the Systems, Transform America is copyrighted material, any Republican Candidate for president in 2024 my us the information as they see fit for their campaigns. 

Note to subscribers:  If you know or can contact any of the Republican candidates or someone on their campaign staff, please forward this to them.  Thank you.

Marvin L. Covault, Lt Gen US Army, retired, is the author of Vision to Execution, a book for leaders, Fix the Systems, Transform America as well as the author of a blog,


Many of us, myself included, have commented over the years that, “The next presidential election may be the most important in modern history.”  Notwithstanding that opening sentence, I will go on record saying, the 2024 presidential election is absolutely potentially the most important in modern history. 

Free and honest elections are, and always have been, a cornerstone of our Republic; but there are facts that tell us the election process is on shaky ground and has been for the past few years.  In 2019, 59% of Americans polled said they  had lost confidence in the honesty of our election system.  That should have been enough to cause Congress to take some action.  But, true to form, nothing happened.


  1. In 2016 Hillary Clinton claimed the election was rigged and millions of Americans believed her.
  2. In 2020 President Trump claimed the election was rigged and millions of Americans believed him.
  3. Across the nation fraud-rich voter registration rolls are in pathetic shape; dead voters, illegal voters, voters who have moved away, etc.  For example, in May 2020 California’s registered voter rolls reportedly contained about 1.5 million ineligible voter names.
  4. Covid changed voting habits. In 2020, 69.4% of voters cast ballots by a nontraditional method, mostly mail-in ballots.  That was up from 23% in the 2016 election. That volume overwhelmed many ballot counting facilities across the country to the extent that there simply was not enough time to verify voter signatures.
  5. There is credible video evidence that some ballot drop boxes were stuffed with illegal ballots without consequences.
  6. Ballot harvesting relinquishes control of ballots into the hands of individuals who are not legal officials in the voting process; a broken chain of custody issue,
  7. In the 2022 election the post Office handled 54.4 million mail-in ballots; and we know the PO is not a 100% reliable operation.
  8. Given the apparent ease of fraudulent ballot processing, 53 counties in 29 different states had more ballots cast than there were registered voters.
  9. Fifty-eight percent of voters said foreign governments pose a threat to American elections.
  10. Sixty-four percent of Americans polled said they would be more confident if Election Day were a national holiday.
  11. Three-quarters of voters, and even two-thirds of Democrats, said they would be more confident in election results if every voter was required to show government-issued identification at the polls.
  12. Only 17% of voters believe that states with a history of voter discrimination should be allowed to decide their own voting procedures without oversight by the federal government.


-As the election process stands today, we are playing with fire. We could be facing a Constitutional crisis in November 2024. 

-With the above 12 factors in play for the 2024 election, that ought to be enough to cause Congress to take note and act proactively NOW.  Congress needs to depart from its regular routine and do something proactive to deter a potential crisis.


There are three fixes recommended herein:

Proof of voter eligibility for both in-person and mail-in voting

When should voting begin and end.

-When should election results be announced. 

This legislation would apply as an interim fix specifically for the 2024 election pending an expanded election reform law in the next Congress which can additionally deal with permanent Voter ID cards, ballot handling and security, etc.

This proposed solution is simple:  Every ballot will have a voter ID number and a signature. Ballots will be provided only to voters who have valid documentation proving they are an eligible voter.

This law is premised on the belief that voting is both a right and a responsibility. The fact that more than one third of eligible voters routinely do not bother to vote is both pathetic and irresponsible. For those patriots who want to and will vote, this law will make it easy to vote in-person or by mail in the 2024 election. 


BACKGROUND ON VOTER IDENTIFICATION: The REAL ID Act passed by Congress in 2005 based on the 9/11 Commission’s recommendations that the Federal Government, “set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver’s licenses and state ID cards.”

Real ID cards will be required for boarding federally regulated commercial aircraft. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced in 2013 a phased enforcement plan for the REAL ID Act.

For various reasons, final compliance with the law has been delayed.  May 7th, 2025 is now the deadline for Americans to have a Real ID if they wish to fly on a commercial airline.

The important part of the Real ID requirement is the documentation a person must present when getting their ID. Each state stipulates the minimum hard-copy documents that must be presented to qualify for a Real ID card; for example, an existing driver’s license, current U.S. passport, Social Security card, birth certificate, proof of current home address, etc.

This proposed election 2024 law will dictate that, beginning 1 September, 2024, at least one location in every voting district will be open, 0800-5pm Monday-Friday where voters can re-register to vote.


The 2024 election cycle will be used to reconstruct every voter registration roll in the U.S.  Any use or reference to existing voter registration rolls will be against the law in 2024.

  • VOTERS HOLDING A REAL ID: Voters who have a valid driver’s license or state ID in compliance with the REAL ID Act may re-register in person at any time after 1 September, 2024 at their local voting district or simultaneously re-register at the time they vote in person. Applicants will download the federal registration form, fill it out, present it to the election official, sign it, the official will upload the personal data into the Voter Registration Data Base and the election official will retrieve a personal voter ID number for the voter. 
  • NON-REAL ID HOLDERS: A voter who does not have a Real ID and wishes to vote must appear at their local voting establishment after 1 September, 2024 or at the in-person voting site on election day with the Real ID documentation required by their state.  They will have filled out the federal registration form, it will be uploaded into the Voter Registration Data Base and the voter will receive a voter ID number that can then be presented at their voting site on election day.
  • Every person registering will be assigned a voter registration number.  The number will include the state (NC), the voting district number (12), the personal voter ID number (324689), and the month/year date it was recorded (10-24).  That number, NC-12-324689-10-24, will be printed, on the individual’s ballot. 
  • The re-registration process will include the use of a form on which the voter’s name, address, voter ID number and signature will appear.  The form must be signed in the presence of an election official and will be kept on file locally to be available to compare signatures on mail-in ballots.
  • At the time the re-registration takes place the voter’s ID number, name and address will be automatically sent to the state’s election headquarters where the Voter Registration Data Base is maintained.
  • VOTE BY MAIL: Any eligible voter, whether a Real ID holder or with qualifying documentation, may choose to vote by mail. They must make that request at the re-register session at an election site after 1 September. They must make that request between 1 September and 1 October, 2024.  Election officials then must mail out those ballots not later than 10 October, 2024. The voter then must mail their ballot not later than 25 October, 2024. Every mailed-out ballot must contain a current,2024, voter ID number.
  • MAIL-OUT BALLOT RULES:  Election officials must print the voter’s ID number on the ballot before it is mailed out. Every ballot returned by mail must have the voter’s signature. Under this election law for 2024 there will not be any mass-mailing of ballots.

Bottom line, every ballot that is processed on election day, either mail-in or in-person voting, will have a current, valid voter ID number on it and will have a verifiable signature by the voter.

All voting machines will be programmed to reject a ballot without a voter ID number or signature. It will also reject a ballot with a voter ID number that has been previously used during that voting cycle.

In this proposed process, the voter need only to be seen one time at an election site; either to simultaneously register and vote on election day or to arrange during the month of September to register and then vote by mail. This is not too much to ask of Americans when participating in the free-and-fair election process.


Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the Constitution tells us that, “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations.” 

While Congress is working on election changes for 2024, let’s take one more simple step and fix the when-to-vote problem.  In 1845, Congress passed a federal law designating the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November as Election Day. Why?  In 1845 America was a mostly agrarian economy.  Early November was a time of the year when most farmers had their crops in, the weather was still OK for travel by horse to a village voting site, etc.  it made sense in 1845.   

But today it is completely non-sensical.  First off all, why just one day?  Secondly, why a Tuesday when probably 90% of the American work-force is, surprise, at work. And we wonder why a third of all voters fail to vote at all.

Recently voting days have expanded in some states to “early voting.”  Sometimes very early; back into early October before the final opposing candidates’ debates take place.  Or often before the campaign “October surprise” occurs.  There is a simple, make-sense compromise. 

Let’s have an election weekend with an election holiday thrown in. In 2024, instead of election day, 5 November, it will be election weekend beginning Saturday the 2nd of November, on into Sunday and Monday will be a nation-wide election holiday with only essential personnel working. Take away the weak excuse voters come up with and shame them into voting; it is their right and their responsibility. Reminder (see issue #10 above); Sixty-four percent of Americans polled said they would be more confident if Election Day were a national holiday.


If the “early voting” does not get changed to “election weekend”, inevitably the “experts” and media will begin speculating about the success or failure of certain candidates based on “early voting turnout” or “early voting results” based on small samples from voter exit interviews.

Then there are the early predictions of east coast election results while the west coast still has at least three more hours of voting.  Why, a west coast voter says, should I stand in line to vote for Jones when it is obvious from the east coast predictions that Smith is winning in a landslide?

And finally, the media feels compelled to spend the entire night, after voting ceases, to announcing “with X % of the votes reported, we are projecting Jones the winner in……”

None of this is necessary, helpful and may have some negative influences

There is an easy fix; include in this proposed law for 2024 that it is against the law to announce any results until noon, Eastern time the day following the Election Holiday.  There are zero reasons why we need to know any sooner.  With a noon release eastern time, the entire nation can announce results simultaneously. 

I have copied the instructional points for this proposed law contained above, printed them on a word document, font 12 and it is less than 800 words, about 2 pages long.  The point being, this law can and should be just a couple pages that can be printed in its entirety and published in every newspaper and news magazine in America.  Every American can read it, understand it and communicate their opinions to those representing them in Congress.  This would be a very rare and very important occurrence.

By contrast to this proposed election 2024 law, I’m reminded of the beginning of the 116TH Congress, January 2019; HR 1 and S 1 were the number one priority proposed legislation in the House and Senate.  The subject was election “reform” and the Bill was about 800 pages long. Essentially, it was designed to place into federal law all of the ongoing election processes that significantly increased the possibilities of election fraud; mass mail-out of blank ballots, drip boxes, ballot harvesting, etc.

Warning, if you support this election law for 2024, you will be labeled by the President, VP and rank-and-file Democrats across the country as a “racist.” According to the Dems, if we are in favor of voter ID of any kind, you and I are the domestic terrorists’ soldiers in the systemic racism campaign our Commander in Chief so frequently talks about and claims is the greatest threat to our democracy.   BTW, have you ever heard of the President, VP or any Dem refer to you as a racist because you agree with the Real ID requirement? No? Neither have I.  it’s a head-shaker.


There is an election train wreck about to happen but it doesn’t have to.

Reminder, (see poling results # 11 above); Three-quarters of voters, and even two-thirds of Democrats, said they would be more confident in election results if every voter were required to show government-issued identification at the polls.

This change in the election process is not an imposition on voters.  One stop at an election site, receive a voter ID number and choose how you wish to vote, in-person or by mail using your personal voter ID number.  Doesn’t sound racist to me.


States’ rights are an important until it becomes obvious to the casual observer that they are ineffective, harmful and or absolutely dangerous.  Covid drove the states to mass ballot mail-out, drop boxes and ballot harvesting which resulted in greater opportunities for fraudulent election activities.  Covid is gone and those practices need to go with it.

At this point most of you are thinking, this could possibly get though the House if the Speaker works it hard but not through the Senate and even if passed in the Senate it would surely be vetoed by the President.  I believe you are correct; but polling results in points 10, 11 and 12 above tell us that We the People want and need this legislation. Make the Dems, from the President on down, openly declare their shameful, ignorant declaration that we are racists for pushing election changes for the 2024 election.  

Final thought; if the cornerstone of a foundation is allowed to crumble, the entire structure is vulnerable and likely to fall. That’s where we are today as a nation.  fix it, Congress!

Note to subscribers:  If you agree with the desperate need for this 2-page law to set the stage for a fair and free election in 2024, please forward this to those who are representing you in Congress. Furthermore, I would ask all of you to flood the mailrooms of House Speaker McCarthy and Senate Minority leader McConnell with this proposal.

Marvin L. Covault, Lt Gen US Army, retired, is the author of VISION TO EXECUTION, a book for leaders, and a how-to book, FIX THE SYSTEMS, TRANSFORM AMERICA as well as the author of a blog


28 May, 2023

Memorandum for: Local Boards of Education (all 13,452 of them)

Subject: Fix your Education Organizations

1. “Education is the wellspring from which a nation ascends … or the quagmire into which it sinks.  Education is everything.”  Michael Russell

The U.S. is becoming increasingly more functionally illiterate. Covid was a setback in terms of the numbers of K-12 students who are not proficient in various disciplines; but results from Covid are an anomaly in an ongoing national education crisis.

2.THESIS: “Education” is an organization. Organizations have a “product.”  General Motors makes automobiles, that’s their product.  The U.S. Army is an organization, their product is trained leaders and combat ready units. The product of education in the U.S. is a high school graduate who is proficient in all areas of study to the extent that they are qualified and capable of extending their education in college or to be fully competitive in the work force.

If 20% of General Motor’s vehicles don’t run, they have two alternatives; build better automobiles or go out of business. If 20% of the U.S. Army’s leaders are incompetent and the majority of units are not combat ready, the organization needs a complete top-to-bottom do-over.  If 20% of U.S. teens do not graduate from high school and a significant number of those who do graduate are in fact functionally illiterate, we need to seriously rethink the entire organization and fix it. To do so we first need to define the problem.

3.DEFINING THE U.S. EDUCATION PROBLEM: Facts bearing on the problem:

20% of U.S. students do not graduate high school.

Almost 2,000 high schools across the US graduate less than 60% of their students. Those “dropout factories” account for over 50% of the students who leave school every year. One in six students attend a dropout factory.  One in three minority students (32%) attend a dropout factory compared to 8% of white students.

In the U.S., high school dropouts commit about 75% of crimes.

Of those graduating high school, over 20% are unable to pass the test to enter the U.S. military because they are functionally illiterate.

On average, 7,000 students across the country drop out of school every school day thereby creating a linkage to a life of crime and/or welfare.  About 70% of prison inmates do not have a high school diploma. Why do they drop out?  The main reason is they got behind in K-5, further behind in Middle School and eventually became frustrated, disenchanted and just gave up.

In 2021, Oregon passed a low reducing the standards for eligibility to graduate from high school. This will eventually result in a higher graduation rate and an increase in the number of functionally illiterate graduates joining the work force. There are zero measures of progress in approving education results with this kind of nonsensical law.

Average U.S. annual spending per public school student is over $14,000 in 2023.  That is about 34% higher than the average of the other 37 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. Currently our number one “solution” to improving education results in the U.S. is for the feds to throw money at the problem. It’s not working.

In 2021, multiple California school districts dropped D and F grades calling it, “competency-based” learning. Learning, really?

Schools across the country are banning homework. More psychobabble reasoning. 

So, let’s be honest and get to the heart of the problem with this question.   What is and is not going on in the classrooms in terms of standards and measured results?

The best way to nail down a definition of the education problem is to look at data from the reputable National Assessment of Education Progress, NAEP, also referred to as America’s Report Card.  

NAEP is the largest national representative of continuing assessment of what America’s students know and can do in civics, economics, geography, mathematics, reading, science, U.S. history, and writing.

NAEP results provide educators, policymakers, elected officials, and parents with invaluable information regarding how our children are doing in school.  NAEP measures the academic performance of the nation’s students by testing 4th and 8th grade students every 2 years (testing canceled in 2020 due to the pandemic) and 12th grade every 4 years.

NAEP reports on student achievement/capability in three categories: Basic, Proficient and Advanced.

Students performing at NAEP Basic level have only partial mastery of fundamentals. These students are failing.

Students performing at the NAEP Proficient level have demonstrated some competency over challenging subject matter.

Students performing at the NAEP Advanced level have shown superior performance.

To avoid getting drowned in data, let’s just look at student achievement in two fundamental disciplines, math and reading; 2022 testing involved 446,700 students in 10,970 schools across all states.



4th grade, 67% are below Proficiency level and almost 1/3 of them are even below Basic level.

8th grade, 75% are below Proficiency level and more than half are even below Basic level.

12th grade, 76% are below Proficiency level and more than half are even below Basic level.

In 4th grade, fewer than 3 out of 5 students can tell whether whole numbers are even or odd.   Only 51 percent understand that subtraction is the inverse of addition and just over 1 in 10 can identify numbers that can divide into another number without a remainder (e.g., 10 divided by 1 or 2 or 5).


4th grade, 68% are below Proficient level and more than half are even below Basic level.                 

8th grade, 71% are below Proficient level and about 1 of every 2.5 are even below Basic level.

12th grade, 63% are below Proficiency level (2019 pre-coved) and about half are even below Basic level.

By the way: NAEP data released May 2023; 87% of 8th graders are below Proficient level in U.S. history; 78% of 8th graders are below Proficient level in civics.

This low proficiency in civics is not a new problem. To illustrate, only 47% of U.S. adults can name all three branches government, about 25% can name only one of the branches and about 20% can not name any of them.


Our nation is in serious trouble. The U.S. is currently getting an F in education results.

The high percentages below Proficiency level in 4th grade do not appreciably increase through middle and high school. 

At the base of this crisis is the education process in K-4th grades; call it basic training.  As in most organizations, deficient basic level training puts everything that follows in the to-hard box. As this applies to the Education Organization, if we can fix K-4 and institutionalize those standards we will be on the way to fixing grades 5-12 performance levels.

All we are doing for education at the local, state and national levels is throwing money and bad ideas (no homework, no Ds and Fs, lower standards) at a broken organization and all the while the “product” remains totally unsatisfactory.  Education will not get fixed by the federal or state governments’ bureaucratic masses and top-down over-regulation.

There is a better way:


Fear of the unknown is a natural human trait. Many people are uncomfortable going where they have not been or doing what they have not previously done; they prefer to remain in the comfort zone they have created over time. One of the ultimate human challenges is to motivate subordinates to explore new horizons. Those who initiate this and turn it into reality are leaders; leaders command the present, advance ideas and shape the future.

We have to change the Education Organization and change is hard. But there is so much wisdom in the old saying, “If we always do what we have always done we will always get what we always got”. Change or die. We have to move education to a new and better place. If you are not afraid of where the current Education Organization is headed, you haven’t been paying attention.

We cannot fix the Education Organization from the top down, bureaucracies are designed to last, not adapt. If a business fails, they are gone; if a government agency fails, we give them more taxpayer money.

What follows is a game plan for individual school districts to execute, all 13,452 of them. All school districts essentially have the same organizational structure with the standard three levels of leadership.

How do successful organizations deal with change? First, the leaders have to know where their organization is now. Secondly, know where they want to take the organization. Three, have a vehicle to get them there. And finally, know how to lead organizations. What follows is a discussion of Underpinnings and Framework for Action that will guide you through the process of dealing with organizational  change.


There are two elements that must be in place, monitored, maintained and enforced on a daily basis. They are Organizational Underpinnings and a Framework for Action. The Underpinnings and the accompanying Framework for Action set an organization up for success for every problem at every level by every leader every day.

Thesis: An organization that understands and embraces leadership underpinnings and has a framework for problem solving will out-think and out-perform the competition.  


Organizational underpinnings are what someone sees and feels about an organization. Critical to any organization’s success are foundational elements such as Organizational Structure, Culture, Delegation and Empowerment, Leader Development, Organizing for Action, After-action Review, Character and Dealing with the 21st \Century Environment. Understanding them and knowing how to use them are enablers for success.


Thesis:  A leader is someone who is taking the organization elsewhere. Leaders are planners, that’s what they do. Change is inevitable; progress is optional.

First Line Leaders:  These are the teachers; leaders in the classroom.  First line leaders are always at the point of execution.  They are leading the education triad; teacher/student/parents. This is where basic training takes place, the center of gravity. Failure here leads directly to overall organizational failure.  First line leaders who can not or will not execute the above should be replaced.

Operational Leaders:  These are the school Principals, the vice presidents of the school district, responsible for strict adherence by every first line leader to a set of defined standards. An organization without standards is a failed organization. Operational leaders orchestrate the horizontal integration of everything that happens in the school house, train and mentor first line leaders, constantly inspect first line leader actions and results, rate their first line leaders, reward the best first line leaders and discipline first line leaders who can not produce students who are at the proficient and superior performance levels.  Operational leaders who cannot or will not perform these functions should be replaced.

Strategic Leaders:  This is the school district’s Superintendent, the CEO, responsible for establishing and sustaining the organizational underpinnings, setting the standards for the organization and operations on a day-to-day basis that are part of a long-range strategic phased plan of action.  Strategic leaders who can not or will not perform these functions should be replaced.

Board of Directors:  This is the elected school board who answer to We the People. They ensure that sufficient facilities and funding are available and that the best strategic and operational leaders are on the job. And, most importantly, ensure an organizational leadership system that is based on a culture of accountability, trust and respect. What do politics have to do with the responsibilities of the three levels of leadership outlined above?  Absolutely nothing.  Board members who are consistently politically motivated and/or do not understand their responsibilities to the Education Organization should be voted out of office.

It is essential to recognize that all leaders in an organization do not perform the same functions differently; leaders at different levels perform different functions.

10.CULURE, a preeminent organizational underpinning:

Culture is a powerful and pervasive force in every organization no matter how large or small.  Culture is the organization’s personality; it might be described as good, or evil, self-serving, compassionate, entrepreneurial, caring, wasteful, hateful, whatever. Every organization has a culture and it needs to be defined. 

True story to illustrate the power of culture:  After retiring from the military, I built a two-person consulting company dealing with leading organizations and long-range strategic planning.  One client, who shall remain nameless, was a worldwide leader in their business with about 50,000 employees.  There were three elements to the business and we were consulting with the one which operated oversees with about 16,000 employees in 120 countries.  We had already been working with that group of operational leaders for about a year at their locations overseas. In 2004, we were asked to do a refresher discussion on culture at their regularly scheduled six-month meeting in New York City. The question the president of the overseas division wanted me to address was the culture of the entire 50,000-person organization from the CEO on down.   

There were about thirty executives in the room as I began to work the problem with a simple question; can you describe for me the culture of the entire 50,000-person organization you are a part of.  As is usually the case, they were giving me some one-word positive answers that I dutifully recorded on the white-board; entrepreneurial, caring, family oriented, etc.  After a few minutes I gave them the time-out sign and suggested that they were not living in a perfect business world; are there any negatives associated with the company’s culture?  Long silence.  Finally, Mike sort of raised his hand.  I acknowledged him and he said, “The overwhelming culture of this entire organization is white-hot fear.”  There it was, a brave sole had finally said out loud what everyone in the room was living every day at work, white-hot fear.  That broke the dam and immediately everyone wanted to offer up examples, discuss the issue and look for change. 

The white-hot fear culture generally stemmed from a business model wherein every subordinate executive had to make a quarterly number; sales, revenue, profit, etc.  If they came up short there was a blood-letting by the corporate CEO and his staff.  There was no over-arching long-range strategic plan in place.  Ninety days was as far ahead as anyone could see which is a formula for failure in any organization.

I say again, a culture exists in every organization and it is a powerful and pervasive force.

Once an organization builds, puts in place and embraces a long-range phased plan, everything changes; leader development for the long-haul becomes a critical requirement. Delegation becomes the norm which drives bottom-up change, initiative, inspiration, ingenuity. A culture of trust, respect and accountability begins to define the work-place environment at every leadership level.  Character of the organization becomes all-important. 

Those executives departed that meeting a couple days later with determination, an enlightened attitude, energy and commitment to the phased long-range strategic plans my colleague and I had helped them build while meeting with them individually at their overseas headquarters during the previous year. 

A footnote; most of them were able to accelerate their 4-year plans and by the end of the third year that organization had increased annual revenue from $16 billion to $28 billion with the same products, same 16,000 work force operating in the same 120 countries. 

For a leader, there are four questions that have to be asked and answered when considering the culture of their organization: One, can you define your current culture?  The answer is yes but it takes some work and honest introspection. Two, once defined, is it what you want it to be?  Usually, it is not.  Three, if not, what do you want it to be?  And four, how do you institutionalize it and keep it working for you?

Culture is a lot of work but when an organization gets it right the culture (for example, a culture of accountability, trust and respect) becomes engrained in everything else that happens.


When an organization is working from a blueprint (Framework for Action) that everyone is aware of and understands, delegation and empowerment thrives within every leadership level because everyone understands where the organization is going (change or die), why it must go there, they understand and adhere to day-to-day operating standards and they feel comfortable looking for new and better ways to accomplish their mission. The bottom line is that delegation and empowerment can become a powerful force in any organization and should be a principle underpinning.

Empowerment is something one feels; it is a feeling of freedom and expectation to achieve excellence. Leaders who fail to empower subordinates are withholding the concept of be-all-you-can-be.


Jim has an unforeseen family crisis and quits his job effective immediately. Susan gets married and moves away.  Someone else has a long-term illness.  It happens every day in every organization.  Leader development is a continuous process of building a bench of ready, willing, qualified, in-house replacements. Without a standing bench of replacements at every level who are ready to step in and take over, an organization can flounder, lose momentum and even fail.

Leader development takes many forms: On-the-spot performance feedback to subordinates; regularly scheduled performance reviews; continuous mentoring; horizontal reassignments to broaden a subordinate’s knowledge of the organization’s inner workings; training outside the organization; changing job description to include more responsibility; temporarily fill in for absent senior leaders; assignment as your assistant.

Leader development is all of the above. Leader development energizes, excites and fulfills subordinates. An organization that does not develop subordinate leaders is missing a foundational corner stone, is aimless, short-sighted and almost doomed to be less successful than it should be.

Bottom line, leader development is the second most important leader responsibility. The payoff is loyalty and stability.  It’s all about building a bench.


At every leadership level it is not unusual to occasionally feel lonely at the top but you do not need to feel alone.  Successful leaders built a team around themselves.  Some examples: 

At the operational and strategic levels, the leader should have a chief of staff, one of the most important positions in an organization.  The leader personally selects the Chief, who becomes the leader’s alter ego.  The Chief creates synergism, can “read” the boss and anticipate what is coming. The Chief creates an organizational rhythm.  He/she is the organizational integrator. Invaluable.

Inside the organization there are some subordinates in whom the leader has a special trust and confidence. They seem more aware of the big picture, will speak out in the presence of the boss and are readily available.  When a particularly difficult, time-sensitive issue arises the leader needs to have a small group (3 or 4) who can be called in at a moment’s notice to hear a problem and offer some immediate advice and assistance.  All the leader needs to do is say, “Chief, get the War Council in here.”

The concept of a “Kitchen Cabinet” began with President Andrew Jackson who regularly met with some close confidants in the White House kitchen to discuss big issues.  This unofficial circle of unpaid discreet advisors from outside the organization have a wide range of experience and know the leader intimately. They willingly advise the leader when he/she asks for an opinion and even when he/she does not ask.

Leaders can sometimes get so caught up on the positive nature of an undertaking that they ignore the possibility of a down-side.  Have an official or unofficial Red Team in place that will play the role of the opposition (media, public opinion, in-side resistance, competition) and lay out the unintended negative consequences of a pending issue or decision.  Don’t shoot the messenger just because you don’t want to hear the bad news.

Sometimes a leader just needs a Coach; someone who has been in their shoes, knows the job and the environment from personal experience.

The bottom line for organizing for action is this; one brain is not enough. Swallow your pride and get help.


What readily comes to mind with that caption, AAR, is a voluminous, detailed After Action Report prepared at the completion of a large project. The report is habitually very long, perhaps hundreds of pages, rarely read and generally gathers dust on the shelf. An After-Action Review is completely different. It is current, dynamic, extraordinarily useful, impactful and brings life to the day-to-day events of an organization. It is simply a short discussion among the participants immediately after the event. The discussion consists of answering three simple questions.  One, what did we do good?  Second, what should/could we have done better?  An AAR does not play the blame game.  It is an opportunity for individuals to fess-up with, “I could/should have……..” That happens a lot when the organization is living a culture of accountability.  The final question is, how can we institutionalize the fix going forward?  AAR is an unbelievably effective tool to make the organization continuously better from every event. 

AAR has been institutionalized by the U.S. Army and is highly praised as pointed out in the Harvard Business Review: “An organization that doesn’t merely extract lessons from experience but actually learns them can adapt more quickly and effectively than its rivals and it is less likely to repeat the errors that gnaw away at stakeholder value. It’s important to correct things; but it is more important to correct thinking.”

Hundreds of AARs are conducted inside the U.S. Army every day.  The cardinal rule is, an event is not complete until the AAR is concluded. A culture of AAR is a game changer for organizations that use it every day at every level for every event. AAR is an opportunity to measure just how good we are, as opposed to how good we think we are. In a nut-shell AAR is exploring good-better-how. A powerful tool available to every leader at every level; a force multiplier; never if, always when.


The increase in societal change so far in this century is unprecedented and with Artificial Intelligence about to be unleashed there is no letup in sight. Daily news includes headlines, stories, editorials and data about Counter Culture, Wokism, Critical Race Theory, Transgender issues, Revisionist history, Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, Race Relations etc. etc.  All of this can be communicated instantly to every segment of the population. The Education Organization must consider taking a hard stand on social issues discussions during valuable class time. Why?

One, teachers need all the time available to produce proficient students.

Two, has to do with parental responsibilities and rights.  Having a discussion with a youngster about sex and transgenderism for example is 100% within the purview of the parents.  Teachers have zero right to infringe on that parental responsibility and to engagement with students on those type social issues is completely out of their lane.

Three, there is no way to regulate “some is ok” or “a little bit shouldn’t hurt.”  Education Organizations must therefore have a firm, uncompromising stand that social issues discussions in the classroom are forbidden.


Honesty, integrity and morality are a cornerstone of every successful organization.  They are especially important in the school house where every “product” is influenced every day by the character of their teachers and the school administrators’ decisions.

People will allways make honest mistakes, occasionally have an error in judgement but a breach of honesty and integrity is all-together different. There should never be a three-and-out policy on character violations.  The policy of one-and-done, zero tolerance, is the only way to protect character of an organization.

The above Underpinnings paragraphs 10-16 are some of the foundational elements of successful organizations and are especially applicable to education.  Without them in place, success in education will be somewhere between difficult and impossible.

Thesis: An organization that understands and embraces leadership underpinnings and has a framework for problem solving will out-think and out-perform the competition.  That leads us to the second  part of fixing the organization.


This document will come from the CEO, in this case the Superintendent.

Let’s begin with a quick look at common characteristics of successful organizations:

  • Leaders organize their thoughts.
  • Leaders use common terminology.
  • Leaders are linked and aligned.
  • Subordinates are empowered.                               
  • Junior leaders are “inside” their leaders’ heads.       
  • All leaders hold themselves accountable.
  • Leaders have continuous situational awareness.
  • All leaders focus on the end state.
  • There are no “gaps” in the problem-solving equation.
  • There is continuous performance improvement.

When those factors are all in-play, there is a forcing issue involved.  That is what the Framework for Action, FFA, does. The point being if you are going to effectively and efficiently build a house you need a blueprint.  Simply stated, the FFA is a blueprint, a game plan.  It should not be a manuscript; it may only be a couple pages in length.  All we are trying to do is answer six questions, who, what, when, where, why and how.

There are three defined pieces to a Framework for Action; Charting a Course, Declaring Expectations and Creating Conditions for Success. 

18.CHARTING A COURSE: two elements, Vision (where) and Strategy (how):

VISION:  Planning must always begin at the end with a simple, understandable vision of the end state.  This is a critical step because of the truth in the old saying, “if you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

Vision gives us the answer to the WHERE in the six questions. It should be a sentence, not a paragraph.  Everyone in the organization should be aware of what it is. It comes from the strategic leader. There should be a lot of thought, some discussions, perhaps some research before publishing the vision statement because there is sometimes a fine line between vision and hallucinations.  For example, if we are dealing with a school system that has about 20% of its 8th graders who are below basic level and 75% below proficient level in math, the end state should not be that 100% will be at or above the proficient level in the next two years. That leader is hallucinating.

Example: The VISION for this strategic plan is to systematically significantly improve proficiency levels every year throughout our school system with the goal that the current 5th grade class will attain a high school completion rate with at least of ___% of the graduates proficient in all subjects.

Yes, there are frequently a couple fuzzy, nonspecific phrases in the vision statement such as “significantly improve.”   But, that’s OK; at this point in strategic planning, we just need to understand WHERE we are going. 

The percentage you fill into the vision statement may not be based on facts at this point. But, based on discussions with the Board of Directors, the Kitchen Cabinet, Coaches, etc. it should feel about right given what we know at this point in the planning process; it should seem to be within the art of the possible given the viability of this campaign.

Do not fill in the blanks with “100%”; we do not live in a perfect world. Some will argue that you have to set goals high to motivate people. First, that is not the way you motivate people and secondly, if the goal is set at perfection, all you do is set the organization up for failure.

STRATEGY: the second piece of Charting a Course, is the alignment of assets to their greatest advantage.

The most difficult part of any strategic plan is HOW we are going to proceed; how, in general terms, we are going to get to the end state.  Strategy is the long pole in the tent. Without a solid strategy, all we have is empty rhetoric.  Unfortunately, many times, in Congress for example, the strategy is left completely out of the planning process and without the “how” the process just flounders and ultimately fails.  Additionally, too often a law passed in Congress is no more than an idea that is then turned over to government bureaucrats who, in too many cases, will produce thousands of pages of regulations and implementing instructions that in no way resemble a plan of any kind. 

There are three rules for strategy: the first rule is to have one.  That is, understand the external operating environment, e.g., what does the public want, what will they accept, what will they not permit? Understand your internal operating environment.  That is, do not create expectations that are not within the art of the possible for your organization. Spend some time doing an analysis of alternatives; there is usually more than one way to skin a cat.  Debate these alternatives with the help of your War Council, Kitchen Cabinet, Red Team and Coaches.

The second rule for strategy is to keep it simple. That is, use as a rule of thumb, that you can describe it to someone on the elevator ride to the tenth floor? For example, “Our strategy is to shoot the wolf nearest the sled; that is, we are going to tear apart our basic training program for K through 4th grade, re-think it and re-build it so that our students do not get behind in proficiency as they progress from grade to grade. Having done that, we can carry on with those same principles in middle and high school.

Also, at this point in developing the strategy, do a first draft of the phasing for the plan.  Is it a 3-month plan, a 5-year plan?  When do we begin and what is to be accomplished in the first phase?

The third rule for strategy is, if it is working, do not change it. “Mission creep” are the two ugliest words that can be uttered in an organization.

Remember, there are three defined pieces to a Framework for Action; Charting a Course, Declaring Expectations and Creating Conditions for Success. Having charted a course with vision and strategy it is time for the leader to declare to the entire organization the who, what, when, and why of the plan.

19.DECLARING EXPECTATIONS: three elements, Mission (what we all are going to do), Intent (who, when, where, why) and Boss’ Guidance.

MISSION, the first element of declaring Expectations. This is what we in the Education Organization are all collectively going to do.  Measurers of merit of a mission statement are clarity and brevity; it is a sentence or two, never a paragraph. The mission statement is public information; it should reach everyone in the organization.

In most organizations it is important and essential that the mission gets restated as it moves into the operational and first-line leader levels of leadership. Here is a quick example to illustrate mission restatement:

The CEO of a successful regional business decides to expand the entire operation nation-wide.  That is the overall mission, “Expand operations across the nation.”  But at the operational level the Chief Financial Officer will restate the mission for his/her organization to, “Raise $100 million to finance the nation-wide expansion.”  Marketing, “Develop and sustain a multi-faceted national ad campaign.”  HR, “Hire and train a national sales force” etc.  You get the picture.

The Superintendent’s strategic level mission statement might look something like this:

The mission in School District X  is to systematically look inside every aspect of our operations, evaluate them, expand or delete as necessary, initially place special emphasis on sustained proficiency for every student during the basic training grades, K-4, and, by training to standards, eventually and dramatically increase the proficiency levels of every student in every subject K-12.

The Principals’ mission statement at the operational level: 

Our mission at Public School 123 is to create a safe and secure environment for learning, use every tool available to ensure that students do not get behind and attain proficiency in every grade and every course.

The first-line leader mission statement:

My mission is to stay in my lane; to repetitively teach-test and know that no student is getting behind and is proficient at all times; to engage the parents and make them an essential part of the teacher/student/parent team; inspire students to be all they can be.

Finally, mission is such a valuable tool, leaders at every level will cause a task analysis to take place.  That is, simply listing all the tasks that must be performed. The tasks can fall into three categories:

Specified Tasks come right from the mission statement; “tear it apart and rebuild it.” Here is an analogy; you just purchased a hundred-year-old house; it looks great from the outside. But you gut it, upgrade the electrical and plumbing, add air conditioning and install a modern kitchen.  When completed it may look the same on the exterior but inside is dramatically different.

Essential Tasks are make or break issues, e.g., raise proficiency levels and do a better job during “basic training.”

Implied Tasks include anything and everything that might contribute to mission accomplishment.  The Superintendent should immediately contact his/her War Council and perhaps the Kitchen Cabinet to brain-storm what issues should be included in the Implied Task List.  The list should include but not be limited to the following: Standards, multi-year teacher/student classes, uniforms, charter school proficiency, meritocracy, institutionalized internal tutoring program, lesson plans, the student/teacher/parent function, teach-test-teach-test agenda, teach U.S. History and civics and inspirational teachers.  

When the initial list of implied tasks is complete the Superintendent could immediately pull selected teachers and principals off summer vacation, form up a team for each issue and charge them to research and report out on their subject.  The reports should include a one or two-page summary of their work to include definition of the issue, pros, cons, conclusions and recommendations along with backup material.  Additionally, the team will be prepared to brief the Board of Education.

The above paragraph begins with mentioning the “initial” list…….” The point being that a huge part of building a long-range strategic plan is discovery, which means we are always faced with the DKDK factor.  That is, at any given point in time, especially in the early phases, we Don’t Know what we Don’t Know. Planning is about uncovering a lot of rocks and we don’t know what is under there until we get to that point.  By the time we finish Phase 1 we may have many new issues to deal with in Phase 2.    

What follows is some elaboration on the starter list of Implied Tasks:


An organization without standards is a failed organization.  The Superintendent should pull together some teams to immediately get to work on standards for every discipline taught in their school system.

What does a “standard” look like for education? A simple example for math is that at some point every student will have memorized, for immediate recall, multiplication tables from 1×1 to 12×12; and that point in time will be listed in the teachers’ lesson plans. For comparison here is a portion of the North Carolina, “Standard for elementary math. 1) Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2) Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3) Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4) Model with mathematics. 5) Use appropriate tools strategically.” There is more but you get the picture.  How can this type of psychobabble get translated into lesson plans that lead to specific standards and eventually to student proficiency?

Developing standards could work like this: Three outstanding kindergarten teachers and three elementary school principals meet to define the end state of the kindergarten year of instruction. They will specify the standards for proficiency. They will lay out the flow of what is taught. After a couple days of work, they will identify an end state that kindergarten teachers will use to produce their lesson plans for the year.

Three selected first-grade teachers will have set in and observed the session with the kindergarten teachers and will have a clear understanding of what the students will have achieved upon graduation from kindergarten.  On the next day they will follow the same scenario to define the standards for end of year, first grade; again with three 2nd grade teachers listening.

This scenario will be repeated through grade 4 so that in just a couple weeks the elementary student standards can be set for basic training, K-4.

The 5th grade, middle school and high school standards for individual subjects (math, science, English, civics, geography, history, etc.) will be worked in the same manner, each beginning by understanding the end state from the previous grade.

TEACHER CONTINUITY: The second multi-year task list issue for a research team has to do with the concept of multi-year teacher/student relationship. That is, having a teacher stay with a particular class group throughout the basic training years. This concept has the potential to enhance the teacher/student/parent triad.


There are numerous studies that point out the pros and cons of student uniforms on learning and discipline.  Put a team on this subject.


There is evidence that students in the 38,000 charter and private schools perform better academically than in the 91,000 public schools.  Find answers to what the charters and privates are doing or not doing as compared to public schools. Find best-practices and share them.


Our nation, the greatest in history, has been built and sustained on a concept of meritocracy.  The current movement towards Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in so many ways inhibit meritocracy. Make meritocracy a hallmark of the school system. 


Even if all of the recommendations in this concept paper are adopted and adhered to, we do not live in a perfect world and some students will get behind and not be in a proficient status.  The system should have on hand at all times a volunteer staff of retirees who can help out when the school day is over mid-afternoon. Tens of thousands of Americans retire every day and many are looking for some meaningful thing to do.  This is a win-win concept.


 Once the achievement standards are established for every grade/subject, it then falls on the teacher to produce a series of documents that will systematically achieve the end state. They cannot be allowed to just “wing-it”.  Lesson plan standards must be published, all lesson plans must be approved by the principal and must be available to the principal and his/her staff as they sit in on classes every day.  Leaders are planners; that’s what they do. A lesson plan is the product of the first-line leaders’ planning process.


There must be continuous emphasis on this by every Principal every day.  Teaching and learning is a team effort. The Superintendent should have a small group work up a list of critical elements for a successful student/teacher/parent team. For example, teachers and parents meet before the school year begins.  The parents should understand the end-of-year proficiency standards.  Parents should be aware that there will be homework assignments; how much, how often, is it graded, consequences of students not complying, etc. How will the parents be informed if classroom testing results indicate their child has fallen behind and what are their responsibilities in getting the student caught up. Etc.


Teach-test must become a standard operating procedure.  That is, end of semester or end of year testing to determine if the student “got it” is an unacceptable course of action. What can be done with those who got behind and are in a not-proficient category?  It’s too late to fix it. The student will likely continue on getting further behind leading to one of two possibilities.  One the system just keeps passing them on until they graduate high school functionally illiterate.  Or, at some point they will be so far behind, frustrated, ridiculed by peers and despondent that they will join the other 7000 kids in the same circumstance who drop out every school day; likely facing a dim future. Teach-test, teach-test, know when a student gets behind and fix it before it is too late.


We already have entire generations of Americans who are U.S. history and U.S. civics dummies.  It shouldn’t be; fix it by teaching civics and real history, not revisionist history nonsense.

INSPIRATIONAL TEACHERS:  Teachers who habitually turn out poor performing students will tell you, “I can teach them but I can’t make them learn.”; a feeble excuse.  At the other end of the teacher competency spectrum are the teachers who inspire their students to want to learn.  Get some smart folks together and figure that one out.


Mission must be published, talked about and understood at every level of leadership.  Everything flows from mission; it is what we all are going to do.  

Each level of leadership, strategic (Superintendent), operational (Principals) and first-line leaders (teachers) must develop a mission essential task list consisting of specified, essential and implied tasks.  That’s what good-to-great leaders do.

Declaring expectation consists of three elements, mission, intent and boss’ guidance.


Intent is the most powerful tool available to a leader.  Why?  Leaders, especially at the strategic and operational levels, cannot be expected to personally interact with every subordinate in their span of control on a daily basis. In the absence of your leader, you and your team will continue to perform based on what you understand your leader intends for you to do. It is the FFA tool that binds the continuum together in a commonly understood cause or endeavor. Intent is published by leaders in four short paragraphs.  For example, in the Education Organization the Principals’ intent might look like this:

Paragraph one is a confirmation that we are committed to achieving the next higher leader’s end state goals. For example: My intent is for this school to achieve the stated end state of this school district which is to achieve the highest possible proficiency level for every student.

The second paragraph is a brief description of the operation. For example: I intend for us to operate with a culture of accountability trust and respect and for every teacher to use our best practices in every classroom every day.

Third, explain why we are doing this. For example: We are doing this because we owe every student and their parents a high school graduate who is proficient in all of the disciplines we teach. 

Finally:  The keys to success are to establish a strong student/teacher/parent team effort, not allow a student get behind by teach-test, teach-test, institute best practices and stay in your lane with the subject matter.


Intent provides clarity of purpose, is relevant at every level and binds the organization together.

Innovation is the lifeblood of our country. Innovation follows entitlement. Every subordinate should feel that they can innovate and be all they can be as long as they are operating within the bounds of their leaders’ intent.

Moving on from Mission and Intent to the third element of Declaring Expectations which is Boss’ Guidance. Good leaders anticipate their subordinates’ questions and use this piece of the Framework for Action to fill in some blanks. For example, prioritize actions; comment on special considerations; set a timetable; clearly fix responsibility; explain the plan’s phasing, etc.


Mission, Intent, and Boss’ Guidance fill the gap between vision/strategy and execution.

To make sure you are not lost on the Framework for Action outline; the leader determined that the best way to attack a big problem in the organization was by creating a long-range strategic plan. That plan would contain three parts, Charting a Course (vision and strategy), Declaring Expectations (mission, intent and boss’ guidance). Now it is time to:


Why create conditions for success?  Because hope is not a process. The operative word is “create.”  We can break this initiative into at least four parts. 


Leaders will always be wondering; did the subordinates all get it?  (”Jim, some time today stop by and give me an update on the XYZ project.”)  Are they on the right track? Do they need more guidance or resources? One way to find out is to routinely schedule IPRs, in-progress reviews. It can be a simple stand-up oral briefing that just takes a few minutes. It is an invaluable tool because it also sustains both leader-to-leader communications and situational awareness.

Situational awareness provides leaders the information they need to make decisions as to how and when to move to the next phase of the campaign plan.  Knowing when to move to the next phase is a key and difficult decision and will not always be intuitively obvious.  Having all leaders operating in an environment of constantly updated situational awareness is another force multiplier in the journey from vision to execution. 

Two, CENTERS OF GRAVITY: A place, person, thing, belief, circumstance or condition that is central to success or could possibly cause failure. The boss should pull in a few advisors and brainstorm Centers of Gravity and then make sure all subordinates are aware of them.  Keep the list short, perhaps 3 or 4 per operational phase.   Then track them frequently, perhaps ask about them during each IPR briefing.

Also note that the Centers of Gravity for Phase 1 may be completely irrelevant for Phase 2.  Never begin a new phase without creating the new Centers of Gravity list. 

Three, CRITICAL INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS: A short list of issues the boss has determined to be critical to success or can cause failure if not quickly identified and acted on.  All subordinates must understand that upon discovery of a critical piece that is on the list they must immediately get it passed to a leader who can deal with the information.  Crisis management before the fact.

Four, SHAPING THE BATTLESPACE: Every problem has a defined battlespace (operating environment) and every battlespace is configured such that you either have the advantage or are in a disadvantaged position.

For example, the Board of Education should let the local media know their intent and all the steps they are taking in their vision to execution agenda. Every school should have regularly scheduled Parent Teacher Association sessions open to the public for discussion of the vision to execution agenda.


Phase one, of course is planning with a lot of specificity.  Inside that is the development of the end of year standards for every grade and subject.  Define the culture and begin discussions about how to institutionalize it. The Superintendent should form up the study teams to research and build point-papers on uniforms, tutoring, the student-teacher-triad, lesson plans, meritocracy, teach-test and other change issues that will be in play. Phase 1 may take a couple months of the summer break.

Then move on to generally define the timelines for all succeeding phases which will reach out to the end-state.  Don’t forget, as you approach the beginning of a new phase, define the centers of gravity.


I began this essay with the thesis that organizations can transform themselves into something better while recognizing that change is difficult.  To do so one needs tools and a game plan to explore new horizons. A leader is someone who is taking the organization elsewhere.

The game plan articulated above will transform the Education Organization and improve their “product”, better educated students. It will work because of the totality of the effort; getting inside every aspect of the education process, evaluating it, changing it where necessary all the while focused on a single definable end state, more proficient high school graduates.

THE TOOLS AVAILABLE TO A LEADER: Recognizing and optimizing the three levels of leadership, developing organizational underpinnings, culture, delegation, empowerment, leader development, kitchen cabinet, war council, coaches, red teams, after-action reviews daily throughout the organization, character development, dealing with the 21st century environment, a framework for action, charting a course, vision, end state, strategy, declaring expectation at every level, mission, restated missions, task lists, intent, institutionalized tutoring, lesson plans, standards-based instruction, teach-test methodology, no-student-gets-behind ideology, student/teacher/parent triad, creating conditions for success, centers of gravity, leader backbriefs, situational understanding by all leaders at all levels at all times, critical information requirements and shaping of the battlespace.

With all of these elements simultaneously in-play, there is a synergistic affect; that is the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements; 2+2 equals 5. 

Getting from vision to execution is not rocket-science. Vision to execution is clearly within the art of the possible for every Education Organization in America. 

When this vision to execution process is in-play, what we find happening routinely in the Education Organization is bottom-up innovation, readily accepted best-practices, enhanced meritocracy, inspired teachers, increased communications among the three levels of leadership, enthusiasm, acceptance of change, synergism, and daily after-action reviews at all levels which strengthen the culture of accountability, trust and respect. Bottom line, the school house becomes a great place to work.

While keeping the Board of Directors (the elected Board of Education) fully informed, now is the time for Education Organizations’ CEOs (Superintendents) to command the present, advance ideas and shape the future.  Meet the challenges of the 21st Century head on with a new tool kit, take your organization elsewhere and make 2+2 equal 5 every day.

Marvin L. Covault, Lt Gen US Army, retired, is the author of VISION TO EXECUTION, a book for leaders, and a new book May 2022, FIX THE SYSTEMS, TRANSFORM AMERICA as well as the author of a blog

Author’s note:  This essay is a summary of a concept of operations contained in a book entitled VISION TO EXECUTION.  If you want more detail on every issue covered above, the book is available on Amazon.


There are at least two potential scenarios that could play out with respect to Biden’s running mate in 2024. First, of course is VP Kamala Harris. But my assertion is that Biden will need to dump her because he and the Democrat movers and shakers know she is a huge liability to the extent she could cause Biden to lose.

Latest polls show her unfavorable rating at 53%.  But the manner in which she continuously presents herself with respect to the issues of the day is more telling than the poll number.  Frequent descriptors of VP Harris’ performance from both parties include but are not limited to; “incompetent”, and “a drag on the ticket.” Since Biden’s announcement to run in 2024, the media has been reporting that the White House is gearing up to rehab her image ahead of the 2024 campaign.  Hard to change a zebra’s stripes.


Former President Obama continues calling many of the important shots in the Biden administration in order to complete his 2008 announced intent to, “transform America.”

Scenario number two; Obama has already decided that Susan Rice will be the VP on the ticket for the 2024 election.

The first step was for Rice to resign from her position as Biden’s Domestic Policy Advisor and Chair of the White House Domestic Policy Council.  The fact that she did so the day before Biden announced his intent to run for president again in 2024 was no accident; it is all part of the plan.

This coming Fall, certainly not later than December, expect VP Harris to abruptly announce that she is withdrawing from the Biden ticket, citing “personal” reasons.  Biden will immediately praise her work, wish her well and within a few days announce that Susan Rice will be his VP choice.

In that many Democrats consider Kamala a loser, her departure from the ticket will be an instant, dramatic and positive up-tic for the campaign just as the Primary season takes off.

BACKGROUND: In the 1990’s Secretary of State Madeline Albright was Rice’s mentor and got her a job on the Clinton National Security Council staff, 1993-1997. From 1997-2001 Rice was Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. During the Bush administration she was a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. In the 2008 presidential campaign she was Obama’s senior foreign policy advisor. Following Obama’s election, she was named to the advisory board of the Obama-Biden transition and later selected to become the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, 2009-2013, a position which Obama restored to cabinet level.

September, 2012 the Benghazi, Libya U.S. diplomatic facility and CIA annex were attacked resulting in the deaths of four Americans to include the U.S. ambassador, Christopher Stevens. On the following Sunday, Rice appeared on five major interview shows to discuss the attacks. Her talking points included the administration’s contention that the attack was “spontaneously inspired” by a violent protest at the American embassy in Cairo, Egypt hours earlier, which had been triggered by the release of an anti-Muslim video.  Many considered that linkage between the anti-Muslim video and the attack in Libya, to be a stretch of logic.   Following her five Sunday appearances, there were persistent accusations that she had intentionally misled the public.

Benghazi damaged Rice.  While Obama supported her and was considering her to be Secretary of State, on December 13, 2013 Rice sent a letter to President Obama asking that he not consider her for Sec. State saying, “the confirmation process would be lengthy, disruptive and costly.”  She became Obama’s National Security Advisor for his second term during which

Rice rarely made public appearances or personally defended her National Security Council issues.  Ben Rhodes, the deputy to Rice, became the public face of the NSC.

CONCLUSIONS:  Obama was instrumental in getting Biden to appoint Rice as his Domestic Policy Advisor.  Why?  It’s called grooming.  By 2020 Susan Rice had accumulated about three decades of experience in foreign affairs and international relations with zero official, high-level interaction with U.S domestic affairs.  So, in 2021 she went straight to the top, in charge of the administration’s domestic agenda. 

Over the first two years of this administration, what have we heard from Susan Rice?  Nothing.  Keep a low profile, complete a two-year crash-course in domestic affairs and become a highly qualified candidate to be the Vice President.

Now she is ready for the big show; four years as Vice President 2025-2029, with the possibility every day of being sworn in as President if Biden becomes physically or cognitively incapacitated. That will result in Obama being the ring-master of at least four of the past five administrations, 2009-2029; Obama, Obama, Trump, Biden, Biden/Rice and the possibility for a Rice administration 2029-2033.  Plenty of time for Obama to finalize and institutionalize his transformation of America.

By then the historians will be busy writing the first chapters about the fall of the once-great United States of America.

For the past week, media has been asking why did Susan Rice step down and why now?  Now you know the answer; (maybe).

Wake up Republicans and get your act together.  If Kamala is out of the picture, it’s a whole new ball game.

Marvin L. Covault, Lt Gen US Army, retired, is the author of VISION TO EXECUTION, a book for leaders, and a new book May 2022, FIX THE SYSTEMS, TRANSFORM AMERICA as well as the author of a blog


FYI:  A personal note; when a military Flag Officer (general/admiral) is being considered for promotion to a third or fourth star, by law, they must be nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate. When promoted to Lieutenant General I received a form letter reminding me that I serve “at the pleasure of the president” and that at some future date I would be informed that, your service is no longer required.”  Additionally, the letter reminded me that after retirement I would forever be subject to recall to active duty.

Mr. President, has it dawned on you recently that you serve at the pleasure of the people. In poll after poll, we-the-people have told you that the majority of us do not want you as our leader because you are doing a terrible job and as a result we are suffering. For example:

Immigration policy, a threat to our national security, only 35% approve.

Overall economy, only 37% approve.

National security, 44% approve.

Handling issues with China, disapprove, 59%.

Handling issues with Russia, disapprove, 55%.

You do not inspire confidence, 65%.

Environmental policy, disapprove, 52%.

You lack the stamina and sharpness to serve as president, 67%.

You are not honest and trustworthy, 54%.

You do not care about we-the-people, 54%.

You cannot work effectively with Congress, 51%.

You deserve reelection in 2024, 32%.

Young Americans under 35 years of age who support a second term, 26%.

Young Americans under 35 approve of handling of the economy, 28%.

Young Americans under 35 approve of handling of inflation, 22%.

The economy is in poor shape, 70%.

Americans’ personal financial situation is worse than a year ago, 50%.

April, 2022, Americans believe the economy is in good shape, 54%.

April, 2023, Americans believe the economy is in good shape, 29%.

Expect the economy to be good a year from now, 39%.

Overall, things are going well in America today, 31%.

Overall, things are going badly in America today, 52%.

Biden’s handling of foreign affairs, disapproval, 67%.

Biden’s energy policies, disapproval, 59%.

Handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal, disapproval, 60%.

Americans forecast 2023: 80% see economic struggles; 80% see higher    taxes; 80% see budget deficits; 90% expect political conflict; 85% expect international discord; majority of Americans predict negative conditions in 12 of 13 economic, political, societal and international arenas.

Americans believe the stock market will decline in 2023, 60%.

Americans believe the crime rate will rise in 2023, 72%.

Americans believe our power will decline in 2023, 64%.

Americans believe China’s power will increase in 2023, 73%.

As of 27 April, 2023, your overall approval rating is 38%.

Is anyone surprised that over 80% of Americans believe the U.S. is in decline and on the wrong track and that 70% of Americans, including the majority of democrats, 51%, do not want Biden to run for reelection in 2024.

The above findings are contained in online reports by CNN, NBC, NPR, Fox News, Gallop Poll, Harris Insights, Pew Research and Rasmussen Reports.

Mr. President, given the above across-the-board negative predictions for America’s future, isn’t it time to stop what you are doing and consider a different path before our overall condition becomes irredeemable? All you seem to want to say about our present condition is that “it” is (fill in the blank) fault and “Let me finish the job.”

Reported yesterday: “last quarter GDP grew at 1.1%, well below predictions” which does not bode well for our overall economic future.  As also noted yesterday by the Wall Street Journal, “Inflation is still high, interest rates are rising and there is fear of recession this year.”

You lack the confidence to face we-the-people:

When finishing a significant pronouncement from behind the teleprompter, it is certain the White House reporters will have important questions. We have disgustingly become accustomed to you literally and figuratively turning your back on America and exiting stage-left, only saying, “I’m not supposed to take questions.”

When planning for a live news conference once every few months, you have demonstrated that you are not confident enough on current events to hold an open interchange with the White House reporters.  Video cameras this week captured your note cards which contained a photo of the reporter you are to call on, the exact verbiage of his/her question and the staff’s-prepared response you are to provide.  It’s scary, and provides proof of our conclusions that you are not in charge.  And what’s even scarier, we do not know is.

But worst of all is your willful disdain for the totality of the American people in order to build up identity group allegiance to the Democrat Party with the aim of long-term control of all government affairs. To this end you have abandoned your oath of office and the safety and security of our once-great country by opening our borders to untold millions of unvetted illegal immigrants. Among those millions, U.S. officials report that they were aware of at least 599,000 migrants who crossed the southern border and evaded authorities in FY 2022. Potentially, many tens of thousands of them fall in the categories of gang members, felons, sex traffickers, drug traffickers, terrorists and Mexican cartel personnel.  On average every day, Mr. President, illegal drugs from Mexico, fentanyl in particular, are killing about 300 Americans.  All you will acknowledge is that, “The border is not open.” The death of those 300 every day is on you Mr. president.  I can think of no action more egregious by any president in history.

Finally, I am mindful of Biden’s unscripted remarks at the conclusion of his trip to Texas following the ice storm in February, 2021, which left millions without power, heat or water.  It was his first “disaster” field trip as president.

He was standing behind a battery of microphones presenting his extemporaneous departing remarks.  He thanked Governor Abbot, began thanking others in the audience, stumbling over their names, got lost in his dialogue, began to stammer incoherently and with eyes closed tight mumbled into the microphones, “What am I doing here?”  

With only 30 days on the job, this was a clear message to the White House staff puppeteers; we cannot turn him loose without prepared remarks.

The purpose of the opening paragraph was to present a blinding glimpse of the obvious; everyone serves at the pleasure of some higher authority and likely at some point you will no longer be needed.  Mr. President, you serve at the pleasure of the American people.  It should be painfully obvious to you and to those close to you (especially your wife) that you are no longer fit to serve as our Commander in Chief.  We-the-people are your higher authority and we have spoken; your service is no longer required after 20 January 2025.

Your 36-hour work week isn’t getting the job done; give it up before it is too late to save our beloved Republic. 

Marvin L. Covault, Lt Gen US Army, retired, is the author of VISION TO EXECUTION, a book for leaders, and a new book May 2022, FIX THE SYSTEMS, TRANSFORM AMERICA as well as the author of a blog


ASSERTION, China wants to control the world, as in, “To exercise authoritative or dominative influence over.” One might even alter this official definition by substituting “and” for “or”.



Deterrence is a mind-set outside the U.S. Simply stated, our allies trust us to have their back in international affairs and our enemies fear our military capabilities and willingness to take them on.

Here is a summary of an unclassified on-line U.S. military operation that definitively illustrates deterrence on today’s battlefields and the connection between small unit operations to the military’s most senior leaders.

June, 2014: U.S. Launched Operation Inherent Resolve to destroy the Islamic State Group in Iraq and Syria, ISIS. Russia had committed military forces to Syria. The U.S. was allied with Kurdish and Syrian Democratic Forces against ISIS. Russia and the U.S. had opened a communications hotline to avoid direct conflict with each other.

February, 2018: During one afternoon a small group of 30 U.S. Special Operations Forces plus their local forces watched surveillance drone feed as an enemy force of about 500 troops, 27 vehicles and Russian tanks and armored personnel carriers, about 20 miles away, positioned itself to attack the small U.S. outpost. The Russian element consisted of Wagner Group personnel. Wagner Group is a private military company of mercenaries that operates beyond the law under the control of President Putin.  The U.S. higher headquarters in Qatar was alerted and air support was placed on strip-alert. At 8:30 p.m. the enemy force moved out and a near-by U.S. ground quick reaction force launched in support with anti-tank missiles. The enemy opened fire at 10:30. By then, former General Jim Mattis, then Secretary of Defense, was on the hotline with his Russian counterpart who declared the attackers were not Russians. Mattis, later testified before Congress, saying he immediately called the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and told him to take out the enemy force.

Waves of F-22 fighters, F-15E strike fighters, AH-64 Apache attack helicopters, AC-130 gunships, B-52 bombers, MQ-9 Reaper drones and Marine artillery relentlessly attacked the enemy force. An enemy Russian mercenary survivor later said, “We should never have been there; our leadership messed up. The Americans knew exactly where we were.” About 1:00 a.m. the surviving enemy force fled the area leaving behind 200-300 KIA. One Syrian soldier at the outpost was wounded. There were no U.S. casualties.

A month later, a group of Syrian fighters and Russian mercenaries began a similar buildup, also near an American outpost. This time when the Sec Def called his Russian counterpart the enemy force immediately dispersed.  That is deterrence in action on today’s battlefields in today’s ugly world where enemy countries, led by thugs, only understand power or the lack thereof.

January 2021- April 2023:  Within the last two years, the Biden administration has dictated that the U.S. military, as an organization, sign up to diversity, inclusion and equity, DEI. This flies in the face of everything a capable military force must be and do. “Equity” is pure poison to any military organization. A new generation of leaders is being DEI indoctrinated. The force can no longer recruit America’s best and brightest. Across the board, military standards are being lowered. Meritocracy, the foundation of every military organization from squad to Army-level commands, is dying or already dead; mediocracy rules the day and the future is bleak.

August, 2021: U.S. deterrence died when our Commander in Chief directed the cut-and-run operation from Afghanistan.  Our in-country allies were left dumb-founded and in harm’s way from the immediate Taliban takeover.  U.S. citizens were left stranded in Afghanistan.  Our long-time loyal individual Afghan supporters on the ground were abandoned and left to be hunted down and killed by the Taliban. All of this unfolded on the world stage within a few days.

6 April, 2023:  The White House released a 12-page after action review of the Afghanistan withdrawal.   A National Security Council spokesperson took questions as the President shuffled off to his helicopter for a long weekend at Camp David. The bottom line is that the Biden Administration, true to form, blamed the whole thing on President Trump. The report actually named Trump 14 times and uses the word “accountability” once. A fact-checked review of key actions tells a very different story.  This was, pure and simple, Biden’s withdrawal; here’s why:

February, 2020: The U.S. negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that included many requirements and concessions from both sides. The date set for final withdrawal was 1 May, 2021.

2020: Negotiations continued throughout the year with the Taliban continuously failing to meet their end of the agreement.

15 January, 2021: U.S. force levels reached 2500 as required by the agreement.

19 February, 2021:  Biden, “My administration strongly supports the diplomatic process that’s underway and to bring an end to this war that is closing out 20 years.” AT THAT POINT, BIDEN OWNED IT, PERIOD.

7 March, 2021: Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he is “concerned that the security situation will worsen and the Taliban could make rapid territorial gains.”  BIDEN IS AWARE OF THE TENUOUS SITUATION.

25 March, 2021: Gen. Richard Clarke, commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command, testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee that “it is clear that the Taliban have not upheld what they said they would do and reduce the violence.” MORE INPUT TO BIDEN.

14 April, 2021: Biden announces that all troops will be removed by 11 September, 2021.

18 May, 2021 The Defense Department IG reports that during the first three months of 2021, “The Taliban initiated 37% more attacks than during the same period in 2020,” MORE INPUT TO THE PRESIDENT.

6 July, 2021: The U.S. military has pulled out of Bagram Airfield. Why? Because the command could not simultaneously secure/operate Bagram Airbase and the U.S Embassy (Biden’s first priority for security) in Kabul with only 2,500 troops.

8 July, 2021 Biden moves up the timeline for full troop withdrawal to Aug. 31, saying, “the likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.”

6 August, 2021: The Taliban takes control of its first province despite the agreement it signed with the U.S.

15 August, 2021: Taliban fighters enter the capital; Afghan president flees the country; U.S. evacuates the embassy by helicopter.

Note: during the critical days of the collapse, Biden was at Camp David instead of in the White House situation room with his National Security team. 

16 August, 2021:  In a speech to the nation, Biden said, “I do not regret my decision to end America’s warfighting in Afghanistan,” and deflected blame for the government’s swift collapse.

26 August. 2021: 13 U.S. service members were killed by a suicide bomber at the Kabul airport. Why?  Because the Bagram Airbase had been closed prematurely to meet troop constraint numbers. All air operation could have/should have been conducted out of a secure Bagram, not the unsecured Kabul airport.  At any time during the chaotic early hours of the withdrawal, additional U.S./NATO troops could have/should have been brought in to renew Bagram operations.

31 August.2021: In a speech to the nation, Biden calls the Afghan withdrawal an, “extraordinary success.”

6 April, 2023: Following the release of the withdrawal after action review, the White House spokesperson said the administration is “proud” of the Afghanistan withdrawal.  Tell that to the families of the 13 dead service members, Mr. President. But the president did not hear that statement because he snuck out of the White House, avoided reporters by not using the South Lawn helipad, motored to Fort McNair and took his helicopter to Camp David for an extended Easter vacation. Pathetic leadership/accountability.


Given that our deterrent posture has been shattered, that a New World Order led by China is rapidly emerging, that our reliance on decades-old alliances is suspect or nonexistent and, given the status of current U.S. leadership, where does the U.S. stand on the issue of vulnerability? let’s take a look at some of what our enemies may be capable of doing to us.

6 May, 2021, CYBER-ATTACK:  A cyber-attack, believed to have been initiated in Russia, shut down one of the US’ largest (5,500 miles) pipelines, highlighting heightened concerns over the vulnerability of the nation’s critical infrastructure. The attack shut down the flow of gasoline and jet fuel across the South and up to New York for about a week.  This is an example of our vulnerability to cyber-attacks. It was only an inconvenience but was certainly proof-of-concept success for Russia.

Biden’s response:  Biden and Putin met a month later at a scheduled international conference where Biden told reporters, “I gave him a list of 16 specific entities defined a critical infrastructure under U.S. policy from the energy sector to our water systems.” This ridiculous response simply raised the question, is everything that is not on the list fair game for attack? A different response might have been a phone call; something like this:

“Vlad, this is Joe. I just shut down your gas and oil pipeline to China.  I’m sure you will soon be hearing from our friend Xi. My people tell me that no matter what your techies do, we can keep it down for at least a month.  I see three alternatives.  One, you do nothing. Two, you retaliate with another cyberattack on the U.S. Keep in mind that we have all of your other pipelines queued up to also be immediately shut down. Or three, you and I can agree, today, that neither of us will ever again initiate a cyberattack on each other.  I need your answer by this afternoon.  Have a nice day, goodbye.”  

China, Russia, North Korea and Iran all have sophisticated cyber-attack capabilities.  Imagine if they ganged up under guidance from China and shut down all of the major gasoline pipelines for a month? We would likely see massive lawlessness and the beginnings of anarchy throughout the nation.

3 December, 2022, POWER GRID: I was home in North Carolina when the lights went out.  We were soon informed by Duke Energy that shooters had taken out two nearby electrical distribution substations leaving about 40,000 residents without electrical power for several days.

How vulnerable is our power grid?  At least 6 such attacks occurred across the nation in 2021 and 20 in 2022.

Power Grid Facts: The power grid is a distribution system  of power plants, substations, transformers, and power lines with about 55,000 substations like the one near my home in NC. The systems are increasingly decrepit, poorly maintained and frightfully vulnerable to accidents, disasters and enemy action including cyber warfare.  Most of the system is unguarded.  Low-tech in nature, these attacks can be highly organized and professionally executed.

Because the entire grid is so complex, any failure in the system has the possibility of creating a, “cascading failure effect”. When that happens, shutdowns can cascade like dominoes and it is possible for the entire grid to be subject to shutting down.

How vulnerable are we? Of the 55,000 substations there are 30 that are most critical for interconnection of the entire grid. Furthermore, by initiating a coordinated attack and destroying only 9 of those 30 interconnected substations, studies estimate the entire U.S. grid could be down for, “at least 18 months, probably longer.”

Instantly it would not be 2023, it would be like 1823 or perhaps 1723 and we are not prepared for that. Consider this short list of what would no longer be available: water supply, telecommunications, food production and delivery, fuel extraction, refining, and distribution, law enforcement, emergency services, hospitals, and the reality that you may never hear from family and loved ones again; ever. 

Immediate anarchy would prevail and tens of millions of Americans would be dead in the first month.

Could this happen?  Yes, consider just this one scenario:  Iran is the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism with access to and some control over most terrorist organizations. Iran’s leadership is morally corrupt and would like nothing more than to achieve their long-term and frequently stated goal of “Death to America.”

The above information leads one to believe that a dozen 3-4-person terrorist teams of marksmen could simultaneously take down the 9 critical substations out of the existing 55,000 and thereby take America into darkness. Where would the terrorist teams come from?  They may already be here after coming across our open border. Were the 20 attacks last year simply a series of proof-of-concept operations?


Results from recent war-game simulations with U.S. vs China in the South China Sea, conclude the U.S. would run out of some types of critical guided missiles within a week. This is all unclassified information available to anyone including China.

Military equipment and munitions to Ukraine has reduced war reserves to such dangerously low levels that, under current production capabilities, some will not be renewed for 5-8 years. For example, there is one U.S. production facility for 155mm howitzer shells and The U.S. is capable of producing about 14,000 per month.  On average Ukraine is firing 7,700 each day.  You do the math.

Recent testimony in a Congressional committee revealed that the U.S. is currently dependent on imports of certain rare metals from China and Russia for the production of bullets, explosives, nuclear weapons and an array of military equipment. For example, there is no domestic mine for antimony, a rare metal required in the production of ammunition. The U.S. currently relies almost entirely on China for antimony in order to be able to produce a single bullet.


3 April, 2023:  Saudi-led oil producers announced they will cut oil production by one million barrels a day beginning in May. Since Biden’s assault on the U.S. fossil-fuel production we are continuously vulnerable to oil production abroad.  This is a serious national security issue that the president will not even address.


Strategic reserves are dangerously low.  One year ago, we had 577 million barrels and today it is 371 million; down 36% in one year.  Why? Biden sold off reserves to reduce U.S. gas prices prior to the 2022 election. The U.S. consumption rate is about 20 million barrels per day. Another serious national security issue.


Medicine: Chinese firms supply more than 90% of U.S. antibiotics, 70% of Tylenol and recent studies found that about 80% of the basic ingredients in U.S.-produced drugs come from China. Imagine a call from Xi Jinping to Biden: “ I have just ordered the cancelation of all shipments of pharmaceuticals to the U.S. unless you do (or don’t do) “X”.  I need to know your decision this afternoon.” You get the picture, that’s leverage that would impact the life of every American. Leverage we do not have.


28 January, 2023: The Chinese spy balloon entered Alaska air space, collected data for seven days and was shot down.  What did Biden do? Nothing.

14 March, 2023: A Russian fighter jet shot down a U.S. drone over the Black Sea. What did Biden do? Nothing.


1988: I was the deputy plans officer for the Pacific and Indian Ocean regions at U.S. Pacific Command Headquarters in Hawaii.  I recall discussions about and seeing photos of habitable shacks on stilts being placed on reefs in the South China Sea by the Chinese.  They would raise a flag, somehow provide provisions to the inhabitants and declare it was Chinese sovereign territory.  Today structures at three of the man-made islands have been fully militarized with anti-ship and anti-aircraft missile systems, laser and jamming equipment and long runways for fighter jets in order to be capable of controlling any nation utilizing those shipping lanes.  It’s important to note that one-third of all global shipping transits the South China Sea lanes. Additionally, Japan and South Korea together import about 5 million barrels of oil per day on that sea lane which can now be controlled by China.  Without massive oil imports our two principal allies in that region, Japan and Korea, would be powerless within a few weeks. Another example of control resulting from brilliant long-range strategic planning and execution by China.  


2023: To control the world, China needs a world-class navy.  In the past few years China has concentrated on building modern surface combatants, submarines, aircraft carriers, fighter jets, amphibious assault ships, ballistic nuclear missile submarines, large coast guard cutters and polar icebreakers. Its Navy has more than tripled in size in only two decades and has become the world’s largest naval force; and there is no end in sight.


An EMP occurs naturally in space but can also be a burst of electromagnetic energy produced by a nuclear explosion in the atmosphere. It is the ultimate weapon capable of completely destroying America in seconds.  The size of the nuclear weapon and the altitude at which it is detonated determines the size of the destruction area. We will not see any damage but the electronic pulse will simply take out the electric grid and every object that has an electric component.  For example, every vehicle would die in place and never move again. Every gadget in our homes would be worthless. No communications, water pumps, transportation, production, emergency services, nothing would work. U.S. nuclear retaliation would not be possible.  Lawlessness would prevail; ammunition would become the operative currency.  We would be a nation of hunter-gatherers and within weeks die by the tens of millions.  Only a few would survive.  

China and Russia have this capability.  North Korea may have it. Iran wants it.


Organizations that are great long range strategic planners, like China, also tend towards agility and are capable of capitalizing on an unforeseen occurrence and accelerating their time line to achieve their end-state.  That unforeseen occurrence was the self-inflicted wound suffered by the U.S.’ despicable cut-and-run from Afghanistan in August 2021. Look at China’s aggressive global activities towards control over the past 18 months; it’s staggering. The Afghanistan withdrawal instantly created a circumstance that could lead to a rapid change towards a New World Order.  U.S. leadership took a nose-dive in the minds of our enemies and allies. It created a vacuum that would/could be filled and China was ready, willing and able to do so.

We are moving towards an increasingly polarized world.

We have forfeited our decades-old military deterrent status.

What has commonly been known as the “West” for decades is without a leader.

While NATO continues to grow in numbers, it does not appear to be a force to be reckoned with to any adversary beyond Russia.

The do-nothing United Nations will remain powerless because of the one-veto power of China and Russia in the UN Security Council.

The U.S. must take immediate steps to regain our energy independence or risk being leveraged by a China-led Middle East.

This president and this Congress need to take immediate steps to energize our military industrial complex that can more rapidly refill depleted war reserves.

China is executing a plan to control the world and this administration has either chosen to not acknowledge it or we are aware but are clueless as to what to do about it.

“Woke warrior” is a contradiction.  A woke military is a national security liability.

Global summary: Asian nations are generally aligned economically with China. Latin America dominoes are falling fast and aligning with China.  Russia has an energy strangle-hold on Europe. Africa’s strategic value is its minerals; China has massive control. Irrational Iran will very soon join the nuclear club. The Middle East is a mess and China now has greater influence than the U.S. Right now, India is a wild-card on alignment with the U.S or China. U.S. strength in Asia is our alliance with Japan and South Korea; can we protect their sea lanes? North Korea is a very scary situation; rapidly advancing missile capability to deliver nuclear strikes and their leader, Kim Jong Un is an unpredictable nut-case. The depth and breadth of the alliances among China, Russia and Iran do not bode well for the free world.

Just wondering; what are the chances that Xi Jinping has a thick file in his lower right-hand desk drawer entitled, Hunter Biden?

President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, tweeted: “Sadly, it’ll be very hard for US Foreign Policy to use arguments such as ‘democracy’ and ‘free and fair elections’ or try to condemn ‘political prosecution’ in other countries, from now on.”

In my decades of watching change, deterrence and vulnerability I have never seen anything as scary as what the United States of America is experiencing right now.  I take no pleasure in depicting President Biden as a poor leader with questionable judgment and abilities.  But don’t just take it from me: Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense for Obama/Biden administration, “Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”


A couple weeks age a current video appeared on TV news showing a small child alone on a very small raft drifting down the center of the Rio Grande River on our open southern border with a border patrol agent running along the Texas river bank seeking to somehow rescue the child from an impending disastrous conclusion. The child was, rudderless, leaderless, fearful, vulnerable and completely without control of his/her environment. What struck me as I watched that video was that I was watching an analogy of the United States of America at this moment in our history; rudderless, leaderless, fearful, vulnerable and completely without control of the world we live in. The difference being, we do not, figuratively speaking, have a border patrol agent watching over us.

While the United States of America is the only nation that can counter China’s relentless march towards control of the world, we are rapidly degenerating into an uneducated, lawless, tribal, woke nation mired in mediocracy. 

Marvin L. Covault, Lt Gen US Army, retired, is the author of VISION TO EXECUTION, a book for leaders, and a new book May 2022, FIX THE SYSTEMS, TRANSFORM AMERICA as well as the author of a blog


ASSERTION, China wants to control the world, as in, “To exercise authoritative or dominative influence over.” One might even alter this official definition by substituting “and” for “or”.



What follows is a potpourri of what I believe to be critical issues associated with China’s long-range strategic plan to control the world.  I further believe they are well past the planning stage and at least into phase 3 of execution. This conclusion becomes more obvious when we take a look at what our four existing enemies, China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are doing.

CHANGE: Changes in foreign affairs and foreign relations can be good, advantageous, bad, fast, slow, uplifting, dangerous, etc. If it is a combination of fast and bad, we need to recognize it, admit to it and then do something about it. The U.S. may already be so far behind the power-curve that we cannot save ourselves.


China’s Achilles heel has been the availability of natural gas and oil. They currently import 10-12 million barrels of crude oil per day from two major oil sources, Russia and the Middle East.  Included in all of their recent foreign relations are actions that will insure a sustained future supply of oil and gas

2001:  For decades during the post-WW II Cold War period, China and Russia were at odds with each other over which one was to be the dominate figure in transitioning the world to communism/socialism. Those days concluded in 2001 when China and Russia signed a long-range friendship and cooperation treaty.

2013: China’s Belt and Road Initiative, launched by Xi Jinping, is a multi-trillion-dollar infrastructure program that is intended to link China with more than 100 of the 195 world’s countries. China has provided funding for roads, railroads, power plants, ports, mining and energy projects. Some of the projects consist of huge loans to poorer countries that ultimately cannot be paid back to China.  China then uses leverage and bartering to gain control over critical natural resources.

CHINA AND RARE EARTH ELEMENTS such as cobalt, nickel, copper and lithium are essential components in producing renewable energy technology, semiconductors and other electronics.  Access to these resources has never been more important; they will define future economic growth. China has taken the lead in this global “gold rush.” China’s mining companies are merging with other firms, creating a global force in the extraction of rare elements. Additionally, China holds a monopoly in processing of the elements with 80% of U.S. refined rare earth elements imports coming from China.  For example, it is reported that China controls about 80% of the mineable lithium deposits in the world.  So, what happens when the U.S. has 50 million electric vehicles on the road and we are out of lithium for new batteries?

November, 2020: There was a signing ceremony in which 15 Asian nations, led by China, agreed to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership which casts China as a champion of globalization and multilateral cooperation in a multi-nation effort towards freer trade and future prosperity. It is the world’s largest free trade bloc. The U.S. is not included.

March 2021: China and Iran signed a strategic cooperation agreement which includes oil and mining rights for China, military cooperation and China’s $400 billion economic investment. China is Iran’s leading trade partner. This is a significant step in reducing U.S. influence in the Middle East, crippling the U.S. sanctions on Iran and firming up China’s future supply of imported oil.

June, 2021:  Putin and Xi Jinping announced the extension of the 20-year-old friendship and cooperation treaty.

February, 2022: Putin and Xi Jinping sign a new statement that outlines a bold New World Order and a partnership between the two states without any limitations. It openly declares against NATO and their concern over AUKUS, a security partnership between the U.S., Australia and the United Kingdom. The most crucial element of the joint declaration was their alliance against the U.S.  Additionally, they signed a new deal under which Russia will deliver gas to China via the Far Eastern route strengthening their energy cooperation.

June, 2022: China’s crude oil imports from Russia soared 55% from a year earlier, surpassing Saudi Arabia as China’s top supplier. This happened in spite of sanctions on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

September, 2022: Putin, Xi and the president of Mongolia agreed to a plan for a new pipeline capable of delivering 50 billion cubic meters of gas from Russia to China via Mongolia.

December, 2022: China and Saudi Arabia released a statement agreeing to a range of issues including energy, security, Iran’s nuclear program, the crisis in Yemen and Russia’s war in Ukraine.

January 2023: Notwithstanding the three-year Covid bump in the road, China’s economy is on track for resurgence. China’s Gross Domestic Product growth over the last 10 years was 6% or better annually until Covid hit in 2020.  Their target GDP growth for 2023 is 5% while defense spending is 7.2%. By the way, the U.S.  GDP growth in 2023 is projected to be south of 2%.

March, 2023: China and Brazil, the largest economy in Latin America, have agreed to stop trading with the U.S. dollar and use their own currencies instead. They will carry out their immense economic dealings without use of the dollar as a medium of exchange. Twenty-three countries representing about 60% of the world’s GDP are setting up swap lines which bypass the U.S. dollar and the medium of exchange.  Included in the 23 are Russia, China, India, Germany, France and the UK.

23 March 2023: China and Saudi Arabia signed an agreement granting Saudi Arabia the status of a “dialogue partner” in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a club of mostly ex-Soviet states as well as other major economic players such as India and Pakistan. This agreement is a step towards full membership for Saudi Arabia.  As Ali Shihabi, a Saudi analyst put it, “The traditional monogamous relationship with the U.S. is now over.”

1984:  Iran was designated a State Sponsor of Terrorism. Since 2005 EU, UN and U.S. sanctions have targeted Iran for violating treaties under which it promised not to pursue nuclear weapons. By 2015 the sanctions resulted in unemployment and high inflation rates thereby devastating Iran’s economy.

When was the last time you saw a product that was “made in Iran?” The point is, Iran’s economic highs and lows are directly tied to the export of oil. It follows that Iran’s support to terrorism and its nuclear program are therefore also tied to oil export income.  President Trump tightened down the sanctions on Iran and crushed their economy.  Oil exports plummeted from 2.1 million barrels a day in 2017 to 404,000 in 2020. President Biden relaxed the sanctions in order to get back the failed nuclear agreement with Iran and their oil exports nearly doubled in 2021 and continues to rise every day since. 

2016: Russia entered into an agreement with Iran to build nuclear power capabilities inside Iran which has obviously been advantageous as their nuclear production capability is now eminent.

March, 2021: Iran and China signed a 25-year cooperation agreement that will strengthen their relationship with respect to political, strategic, military and economic components.  China has contracts totaling hundreds of billions of dollars in Iran’s gas and oil industry to include exclusive rights to several Iranian oil and natural gas fields. It is not lost on China planners that Iran ranks as the fourth-largest reserve of oil and the second-largest reserve of natural gas in the world. Iran has signed on to China’s One Belt and Road program as a key part of China’s geopolitical ambitions in central Asia and the Middle East.  They are also linked militarily with China providing advanced systems to include control technology for long-range missile development.

January, 2022: Iran, China and Russia held their third joint naval drills in the northern Indian Ocean. There also continues to be Chinese nuclear experts, scientists and technicians present in Iran.

20 July, 2022:  In his first trip abroad since the invasion of Ukraine, Putin visited Iran to, “Strengthen our cooperation on international security issues, making a significant contribution to the settlement of the Syrian conflict.” The same day Iran’s oil ministry signed a $40 billion deal with Russia which includes development of Iranian gas fields and building new gas export pipelines.

1 March, 2023: Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Colin Kahl reported to Congress that, “Iran can produce enough fissile material for one nuclear bomb in about 12 days.”

11 March, 2023: After years of hostility, China brokered a deal whereby Saudi Arabia and Iran will reestablish relations; reopening of embassies in Tehran and Riyadh within the next two months.

February, 2023: CIA Director says Russia is offering Iran help with its missile program in exchange for military aid; and says the partnership is, “growing in a very dangerous direction.” Now that Russia is struggling through a war in Ukraine, Iran can reciprocate in their relationship by providing hundreds of attack drones to Russia thereby further strengthening their cooperation.


North Korea has conducted 270 missile launches and nuclear tests since 1984; well over 100 of those since Biden took office.

2018, 2019: President Trump made three trips to Asia to meet with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un.  We do not know what Trump said, but nuclear and missile testing stopped.  They resumed a month after Biden took office and have continued at a torrid pace since.

February, 2023; North Korea fired four strategic cruise missiles demonstrating its ability to conduct a nuclear counter attack.

9 March, 2023: North Korea launched six short-range ballistic missiles; describing their ability to attack military airfields in South Korea.

12 March, 2023: While North Korea has been launching ballistic missiles from a submarine since 2016, the latest launch, 12 March 2023, is proof-of-concept of a more capable missile.

2023: North Korea launches test missile with range to hit the U.S. The White House says President Biden was briefed on the situation and will continue to consult with allies.  OK, and………?

North Korea’s growing nuclear arsenal and provocations have raised the urgency for South Korea and Japan to strengthen their defense postures.

China is considered North Korea’s closest ally; they have had a mutual aid and cooperation treaty since 1961. Their relationship declined earlier this century over North Korea’s nuclear weapons program.  However, relations have been increasingly close since 2018.


Bilateral agreements, particularly in the energy and security sectors have endured between the U.S. and Saudi for decades. Saudi Arabia is one of the U.S.’ largest trading partners in the Middle East.  The U.S. has been instrumental over the decades in organizing, training and equipping the Saudi military.

The Obama/Biden and now the Biden administration’s bungling of the nuclear issues as they apply to Iran have created a deep mistrust between Saudi Arabia in particular and other Middle East nations in general towards the U.S. They do not want a nuclear Iran and believe Biden has facilitated it.

In 2017, President Trump’s first overseas trip was to Saudi Arabia and was described as, “A pro-American extravaganza” where Trump and the King signed a $110 billion arms deal.

Saudi Arabia is engaged in a war with their southern neighbor, Yemen.  The terrorist group, Houthi, engaged the Yemen government forces in 2014 and succeeded in capturing most of the country.  The ousted Yemen president asked Saudi Arabia for assistance. The Saudis put together a coalition of nine Middle East nations to assist. During the conflict, the U.S. has provided intelligence and logistical support as well as the sale of arms to coalition states. The Houthi terrorist group is totally sponsored by and equipped by Iran.  They routinely attack Saudi oil producing areas and oil refineries. Because of all that, President Trump put the Houthis on the international terrorist list.

China’s extensive move into the affairs of Middle East countries has been alarmingly rapid and extensive. Why? Because Biden facilitated it. During his 2020 campaign Biden frequently referred to Saudi Arabia as a, “pariah” nation.

January, 2021: Enter the Biden Administration.  They immediately removed the Houthis from the terrorist list and cancelled a Saudi order for military equipment needed to fight the Houthis.  Biden went on to announce an end to American support for Saudi-led offensive operations against the Houthis.  A perfect lesson on how not to treat friends and valued allies.  

Additionally, during his 2020 campaign Biden labeled Saudi Arabia a “pariah state” over the murder of U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi.  Given those underpinnings, Biden’s trip July 2022 to Saudi Arabia to beg for oil ended up being all about a fist-bump and was a national disgrace. 


 It began with the  Obama/Biden administration and has been exacerbated in the Biden administration; that is, they simply abandoned the U.S. decades-old policy of uncompromising support to Israel, our most valued friend and ally in the Middle East.

March, 2023: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was engaged in Israel’s proposed judicial reform. On 23 March, Biden spoke publicly to the issue making it clear that Netanyahu is still not on his schedule for a White House visit, “Not in the near term”, he said. This breaks precedent with every U.S. president for decades. 

6 April, 2023: Dozens of rockets were fired into Israel from Lebanon and Gaza by Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists.  The response from President Biden, as he departed for a long Easter weekend, “My expectation and hope is that this will be closing down sooner than later.”  Wow, tough talk from the supposed-to-be leader of the free world and decades-old close and valued ally, Israel. Mr. President, “hope” is not a process.


March, 2023:  Honduras recently cut ties with Taiwan and established diplomatic ties with China.

The opposition in Paraguay recently announced that if it wins the elections in April, it will do the same. In the past four years, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Panama have each switched their recognition from Taiwan to China.

March, 2022: China has extended its Belt and Road infrastructure investment program into Latin America; there are 26 projects in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela.  Additionally, China has strengthened its military ties, especially with Venezuela. China has replaced the U.S. as Latin America’s leading trade partner.

This is all happening despite President Biden’s 2020 campaign pledge that he would restore American leadership to Latin America and counter China’s growing influence there.

8 March, 2023: “What concerns me as a Combatant Commander is the myriad of ways in which the PRC is spreading its malign influence, wielding its economic might, and conducting gray zone activities to expand its military and political access and influence.”; testimony byGeneral Laura Jane Richardson, Commander, US Southern Command, to the House Armed Services Committee.

The dominoes in Latin America are falling at an ever-increasing pace while the U.S. remains passively standing on the sidelines, politically and economically, watching as China turns the continent into its subject.

LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD: The U.S. emerged on the world stage during World War I, that accelerated during WW II and through the Cold War.  As a result, for decades the U.S. president has been referred to as, “The leader of the free world.”  That title was not ceremonial, it existed because the free world believed it. But President Biden’s actions over the past two years have disappointed and disillusioned world leaders. For example:

The embarrassing and unnecessary military/political collapse in Afghanistan.

Disrespect for a leader who would instantly squander his nation’s energy-independence to make a trite political point.

Astonishment that President Biden would willingly and deliberately threaten our national security by opening our borders to millions of unvetted, untested criminals, gang members, terrorists, drug dealers, human traffickers, hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied minors and millions of common folks with no known skillsets from over 170 countries.

Inability to admit to or deal with growing lawlessness across the U.S.

Obvious disinterest and/or inability to deal with North Korea’s ramped-up nuclear and long-range missile testing.

His inability to speak to difficult and demanding world issues without a prepared script and/or staged Q and A.

His propensity to blame every, I mean EVERY, issue that is not going well for the American people on President Trump. No, zero, accountability. 

And finally, the icing on the cake.  The world watched the Russian buildup of an invasion force on the border with Ukraine from October, 2021 through 24 February, 2022. While China and North Korea refused to condemn the invasion, the remainder of the world thought otherwise. But the shockwave instantaneously hit the world when President Biden, in a rare extemporaneous moment, said, “Russia will be held accountable if it invades. It depends on what it does.  It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do, et cetera.” The world’s interpretation of that statement is, a little invasion will be OK.  Biden’s minions moved quickly to issue a what-the-president-meant-to-say statement but the irrevocable damage had been done.  Suspicions confirmed, the president of the United States can no longer be trusted or respected as the leader of the free world. 

Our allies and enemys alike are wondering who is in charge. There are obvious global doubts about President Biden’s physical and cognitive capacity to deal with the rigorous demands of a “leader of the free world.”

Author’s note:  Please stay tuned for Part 2, dealing with U.S. deterrence, our vulnerability and conclusions about the way ahead in China’s New World Order.

Marvin L. Covault, Lt Gen US Army, retired, is the author of VISION TO EXECUTION, a book for leaders, and a new book May 2022, FIX THE SYSTEMS, TRANSFORM AMERICA as well as the author of a blog


President Biden says “White supremacists are the most lethal threat to America.” Are white supremacists killing, on average, 302 young American every day?  Why won’t our president talk about the threat from Mexican narco-terrorists who are systematically killing us with opioids and responsible for 110,236 deaths in 2022.  If there was any other single issue causing 302 deaths daily of young people the nation would be up in arms demanding the president take immediate action. 

No president in our history has knowingly and deliberately threatened our national security to this degree.

BACKGROUND: The Mexican Cartels are a narco-terrorist organization operating inside the U.S. and they are gaining ground every day.

By comparison, ISIS is a terrorist organization that took up lodging in Syria and Iraq and created a separate state from 2014 through 2017. The U.S. was instrumental in eliminating ISIS leaders and collapsing their caliphate.

The cartels in Mexico have essentially done the same thing as ISIS. The primary actors are the Sinaloa Cartel, for many years the most dominant drug trafficking organization in Mexico. Cartel Jalisco is the emerging power; engaged in drug trafficking, kidnapping, extortion, oil pipeline tapping and general criminal activity. Additionally in the mix is the Los Zetas Cartel, Gulf Cartel and Juarez Cartel. All are engaged in holding their current territory and/or expanding their territory thus creating one of the most violent areas in the world today with an enormous impact on the Mexican economy and society as a whole.

The Sinaloa and Jalisco Cartels have each split into 35-40 subordinate cells each with a chain of command similar to paramilitary organizations.   

In addition to the cartels, over the past few years there have been about 400 new gangs and splinter groups formed to challenge the cartels; all of which has overwhelmed Mexican law enforcement.

A footnote to all of this is that fentanyl has changed everything. It is so profitable and can be moved in such small quantities thereby making the cartels even more empowered and enriched.

So, what are Mexican and American leaders doing about all this?

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, elected in 2018, has undertaken a non-confrontational security strategy against some of the most violent originations in the world, which he has referred to as “hugs not guns.”  February 28th 2023, during his morning briefing President Lopez Obrador stated, “Here we do not produce fentanyl, and we do not have consumption of fentanyl.”  Surprise, his “hugs” strategy is not working. President Biden’s response to the narco-terrorists is, “the border is secure.” Let’s call it the head-in-the-sand security strategy.  Both are pathetic, disappointing, an insult to our intelligence and clearly in violation of their oaths of office.

On March 3rd, four U.S. citizens were kidnapped in Mexico; two of them were killed. At his daily news conference President Lopez Obrador said “we are working and cooperating with our American counterparts.”; but that his government wouldn’t allow “foreign countries” to intervene.

On 7 March Senator Lindsey Graham said he will introduce a bill in Congress to set the stage for the U.S. to use military force in Mexico.

On 9 March Lopez Obrador called plans for U.S. military action against the cartels, “irresponsible.”

On 13 March Lopez Obrador made additional comments, “Mexico is safer than the United States; there is no problem traveling safely in Mexico.”  By the way, Mexico’s nationwide homicide rate is 28 per 100,000 inhabitants while the U.S. is one quarter as high.

On 18 March President Lopez Obrador spoke out again with these words of wisdom to sum up the fentanyl problem in America, “There’s a disintegration of families; there is a lot of individualism, there is a lack of love, of brotherhood, of hugs and embraces.”  Then he went on to promise Republicans they will not see a single vote from Mexican or Hispanic voters living in the U.S.

The Biden administration never misses an opportunity to show off a confiscated shipment of drugs from Mexico. A recent event included more than 4.5 million fentanyl pills, 140 pounds of fentanyl powder, 3,000 pounds of methamphetamine and 135 kilograms of cocaine in all, totaling a street value of roughly $13 million. But the take-away form this comes from Anthony Coulson, a retired DEA special agent, who pointed out that. “A $13 million loss won’t stop the Sinaloa cartel, first because it’s a drop in the bucket, and second, because this is to be expected. An insignificant loss such as this is just a normal part of their operation.”

What the Biden Administration will not do is speculate on the estimated quantity of drugs that do not get confiscated.


The cartels are violent organizations engaged almost continuously in turf battles with rival cartels.  Additionally, cartels are known to use a portion of their vast profits to pay off judges, police, military and politicians. Should the individuals reject the bribe their families will likely be at risk of torture, kidnapping or worse.

U.S. gangs have an important role in cartel ops. The FBI reports there are about 33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs criminally active in the U.S. today with about 1.4 million members.  Additionally, the number of street gang members is increasing in 49% of FBI jurisdictions. Many gangs are sophisticated and well organized; all use violence to control neighborhoods and boost their illegal money-making activities, which include robbery, drug and gun trafficking, prostitution and human trafficking.

The relationship between the U.S. gangs and the cartels is that the gangs represent an in-place nation-wide resource of foot soldiers for drug distribution and street sales.

Cartels excel at getting drugs over the border; then, for the most part, they cede operations in the U.S. to local or regional groups. The Drug Enforcement Agency’s 2023 assessment is that Mexican Cartels have operations in at least 60 American cities.

There are no accurate estimates of the cartels’ income but it is certainly in the billions of dollars.

Most of the illicit drugs entering the U.S. that are seized by authorities are discovered at the 300-plus official ports of entry. More than 90% of the Meth, fentanyl and heroin seized is at ports of entry.


Fentanyl, which often gets mixed with heroin or cocaine is 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times more powerful than morphine. It’s also cheaper to produce than either of those drugs.

In 2022, a record-setting 14,700 pounds of fentanyl shipments was seized by US Customs and Border Protection agents; there has already been 12,500 pounds confiscated in 2023. But that’s just a fraction of what enters the U.S.

Here’s how fentanyl gets from China to America’s streets; data taken from an article in the NEW YORK POST, February 18, 2023 by Michael Kaplan.

STEP 1: China to the west coast of Mexico.

Chinese chemists produce powdered chemicals known as “precursors” that are fentanyl’s building blocks. It is not unusual for the precursors to be packages looking like dog food.

Approximate value of the precursor, $200 per kilogram  It is interesting to watch the price grow as the journey continues so I will print them in bold type.

STEP 2: Mexico,

There is so much corruption at the ports that a couple hundred bucks will make authorities look the other way as chemicals are unloaded.

“Laboratory” is a glorified word for the Mexican fentanyl production facilities. Much of the fentanyl is brewed outside in pots over open flames where the “cook” tries to stay up-wind in order to live through the process The drugs get diluted, mixed with other chemicals and the final product is either powder or fentanyl pressed into pills that resemble pharmaceuticals or candy.

Approximate value per kilogram: $3,000 to $5,000 (depending on purity).

STEP 3: Crossing the border.

Drug dealers routinely stash the fentanyl in trucks, usually mixed in with other shipping products. With 200,000 vehicles crossing the Mexico/US border each day, it’s not difficult for the deadly cargo to slip through.

Approximate value per kilogram: $20,000

STEP 4: Urban hubs. Once over the border, the idea is to quickly reach a drop-off spot. For example, before drugs enter New York City, there is often a distribution point where the trucker will rendezvous with smaller vehicles.

Approximate value per kilogram: $35,000

STEP 5: Drug mills

Inside apartments, houses, garages, wherever it is convenient, fentanyl is cut with adulterants and sealed in glassine (smooth and glossy paper that is air, water and grease resistant) envelopes that contain single-sized doses.  A crew of 12 can package 100,000 glassines in 24

hours. On the street a glassine packet becomes a $10 sale.

One glassine usually contains less than two milligrams of fentanyl. Keep in mind that there are 28,000 milligrams in one ounce. According to the DEA, two milligrams of fentanyl constitute a lethal dose.

Approximate value per kilogram: $300,000

STEP 6: From the streets to the user. This is where U.S. gangs become an important part of the cartels’ distribution plan.

Wholesalers’ pick-up glassine-enveloped goods from the drug mill and then meet up with their street dealers. Street dealers make approximately $2 for each $10 bag of fentanyl that they sell to their customers.

Approximate value per kilogram: $1 million; from $200 per kilogram leaving China to $1 million on U.S. streets.

And once on the streets, fentanyl is killing, on average, 200 young Americans every day.


Can the U.S. use military force inside Mexico to defeat the cartels? Former Attorney General William Barr, I assume after extensive research by his Justice Department staff, believes so.  In 2020 he wrote;

What will it take to defeat the Mexican cartels? First, a far more aggressive American effort inside Mexico than ever before, including a significant U.S. law-enforcement and intelligence presence, as well as select military capabilities. Optimally, the Mexican government will support and participate in this effort, and it is likely to do so once they understand that the U.S. is committed to do whatever is necessary to cripple the cartels, whether or not the Mexican government participates.

Second, the danger cartels pose to the U.S. requires that we confront them primarily as national-security threats, not a law-enforcement matter. These narco-terrorist groups are more like ISIS than like the American mafia. The only way to defeat them is to use every tool at our disposal inside Mexico.”

Constitutional War Powers, Article II, Section 2 grants the President the power to direct the military after a declaration of war by Congress.

Presidential Policy Guidance on Procedures for Approving Direct Action Against Terrorist Targets Located Outside the United States and Areas of Active Hostilities (PPG): Put into place under the Obama administration, the PPG established standard operating procedures for circumstances when the U.S. takes direct action against terrorist targets outside of the US and outside of areas of active hostilities.

Article 51 of the United Nations Charter specifies that, “Nothing in this Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs.”  The U.S. interpretation of the Charter recognizes three circumstances under which the use of force is permitted: 1) the use of force authorized by the UN Security Council under Chapter VII of the Charter; 2) the use of force in self-defense, including against imminent attacks; and 3) the use of force in an otherwise lawful manner with the consent of the territorial state.

Some examples of the U.S. engaging terrorists in foreign nations in the past:

Somalia. Operations against al-Shabaab terrorists with the consent of the government of Somalia in furtherance of U.S. national self-defense.

Libya. Operations against Daesh were conducted 2015-2019 with the consent of the Government of National Accord in furtherance of U.S. national self-defense.

YemenOperations against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula have been conducted since 2015.

Given the above, one could argue that the cartels have become a clear and present danger to the United States; that Congress has acknowledged inherent executive power in accordance with the Joint Resolution passed by Congress on September 14, 2001 which states the President may deploy military force preemptively against terrorist organizations in the states that harbor or support them, whether or not they can be linked to the specific terrorist incidents of September 11.


Begin by defining the overarching Rules of Engagement, ROE. 

  1. Trust no one.  Too many Mexican politicians, law enforcement and military at all levels are on the cartels’ payroll, accepting bribes and/or living under threat of violence for themselves and their families. 

Case in point: A former Mexican presidential cabinet member, Garcia Luna, was convicted February 2023 in the U.S. for taking bribes to protect the violent drug cartels. He has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.  Note he was convicted in the U.S., not in Mexico.

2. The second ROE is to secretly develop detailed strategic and tactical plans before any U.S. forces are introduced into Mexico.

3. Conduct Mexico-wide operations without a significant military foot-print inside Mexico.

4. Do all of this with, at least, tacit approval by President Lopez Obrador.

5. All of the planning and on into execution must be Close Hold, Need-to-Know only. There will be no media briefs in order to preserve and protect military Opsec, Operational Security.

January 2023 , Reps. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, and Michael Waltz, R-Fla., introduced a joint resolution authorizing Biden to use military force to combat the cartels pumping fentanyl and other similar, dangerous substances across the border. Pass this resolution ASAP.

March 2023, Senator Lindsey Graham announced he would introduce legislation designating Mexican cartels as foreign terrorist organizations and granting Biden authority to use American troops in Mexico. Pass this legislation ASAP.

Having passed the above legislation, Presidents Biden and Lopez Obrador should secretly meet for a weekend working session at Biden’s home in Delaware. The Biden team should consist of the JSOC Commander (Joint Special Operations Command), CIA Director and the Director of National Intelligence. Of course, there could be a very long list of senior government officials (Sec Def, Joint Chiefs, Secretary Homeland Security, etc. etc.) who believe they should be included. But therein lies a big problem. Each would have subordinates working on remarks, power point slides, fact sheets, position papers, etc. Questions would be asked down the chains of command and within a few days thousands would be on the Close Hold, Need-to-Know list followed by headlines in the Washington Post, NY Times, CNN, etc. The cartels would be ready and negative world opinion (China, Russia, etc.) would flood back to President Biden. 

The point of the meeting is for President Biden to assert to his Mexican counterpart that his country is in serious trouble, his government has lost control of large sections of territory, it is getting worse, it is negatively impacting the U.S. and we have no intentions of having a narco-terrorists nation, the likes of ISIS, on our southern border. We are not asking for permission but very much want Lopez Obrador’s blessing and cooperation.

President Biden then turns the meeting over to the JSOC Commander who will explain that tanks will not be rolling south, the 82nd Airborne Division will not be parachuting into Sinaloa State, and we have no intention to subsume control of Mexico.

Commander JSOC will go on to explain that the military footprint inside Mexico will be almost invisible. This will be a war fought at night by special operations forces; namely, Navy Seals, Marine Force Recon, Army Rangers, Army Special Forces and Army Delta Force.  You will not see US military vehicles patrolling your countryside, road blocks, checkpoints, or military formations attacking Cartel militias.  

President Biden interjects to explain that what President Lopez Obrador will see and hear is that Cartel leaders are missing, their chains of command are being killed and captured, incoming supplies and outgoing products are not on schedule, production facilities are disappearing and cartels are blaming other cartels for a takeover of their territory. This will allow Mexican military and law enforcement to go on the offensive and regain control of territory and generally reduce the violence.  

The meeting will then be turned over to the Director of National Intelligence who will explain that every operational collection element of the U.S. intelligence inventory will be focused on Mexico. These intel capabilities will be temporarily placed under the operational control of a special intel task force for Operation Cartel. Of particular importance will be Humint, Human intelligence. Because of the decentralized, mom-and-pop production of fentanyl powder and tablets, we need a nation-wide Humint collection effort. Find a production facility today, take it out tonight. Find a collection point today, take it out tonight. Locate cartel leaders, at every level, today take them out tonight. 

The Director of National Intelligence will go on to explain that every intel organization in the U.S. will be tasked to provide all of their individuals of Latin American heritage to be temporarily assigned to a CIA-led Operation Cartel task force for human intel collection. They will be given credentials for in-country personal security, inserted into communities all over Mexico, begin building local cells and reporting findings.

Drones of every size and capability will fill the sky; surveillance drones with real-time downlinks to Special Operations forces on the ground; drones armed with 16 Hellfire missiles in the air and on station for immediate use by ground forces against high-value targets and targets of opportunity.

Tell the Mexican president that nothing that has been discussed during the meeting will be disclosed to the media and especially not to his subordinates; politicians, military or law enforcement. The first ROE will be immediately applicable; trust no one.

The applicable elements of the U.S. government will begin immediately to transform the concept into a phased plan for execution of actionable intelligence.  Every element will be placed under the operational control of he JSOC Commander for phase 1, planning (about six weeks) and throughout the execution phases. The intent is to begin operations with a Mexico-wide shock-and-awe attack on headquarters, production facilities, collection/distribution points and supply chains to immediately put the cartels on their heels and in a defensive mode. Then increase the operational tempo to the maximum extent.


 Mexico is in deep trouble. Cartels are gaining ground every day and Lopez Obrador’s strategy of, “Hugs, not guns” is going nowhere at the speed of heat.  The U.S. has no plan. The U.S. and Mexico must help each other.  Put the cartels back on their heels and give Mexico’s law enforcement and military the confidence to wade in and finish the job.

While taking out the cartels, the U.S. must completely rethink its operations at the 300-plus ports of entry. Over 90% of all the hard drugs confiscated is accomplished at the ports of entry. While that is good news, it also implies that there is such an enormous volume that gets by and on the streets.

Going back to a previous note, the FBI reports there are about 33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs criminally active in the U.S. today with about 1.4 million members. We desperately need to do something about that.  One suggestion: Designate criminal gangs as domestic terrorists.  Humint in local communities should readily reveal the leaders’ names.  The FBI should arrest them, eventually have them tried, convicted and locked up.  When the replacement leaders emerge, ditto. At some point there will be a lot less than 33,000 gangs.  The upside of this is that the cartels will lose their drug distribution/sales foot soldiers and secondly, the overall crime wave across the nation should abate. 

The Drug Enforcement Agency has to do more and better. If DEA, border patrol and the FBI need more people, take the 87,000 that were planning to be needlessly added to the IRS.

None of this will matter unless President Biden will do a one-eighty and close the damned border and move towards accomplishing the president’s number one priority; the safety and security of all Americans.


This plan is a futile effort.  Biden is hell-bent on keeping the border open and thereby being complicit in supporting the Mexican cartels and simultaneously endangering an important neighbor and our second largest trading partner.

Marvin L. Covault, Lt Gen US Army, retired, is the author of two books, Vision to Execution and Fix the Systems, Transform America as well as the author of a blog,