Warning to readers, this is long.  I’m into sales and my intent is to convince you that it is possible to solve three of America’s current crises, culture, education and race relations without spending any taxpayer dollars.  If you are interested, please read on. 

As a New York Times bestselling author, David Brooks observes, “There is one skill that lies at the heart of any healthy person, family, school, community organization or society: the ability to see someone else deeply and make them feel seen—to accurately know another person, to let them feel valued, heard and understood.” Brooks’ latest book, How to Know a Person is a who/what/when/where/why and how in-depth look at us, we-the-people.

Let’s begin with a list of sad statistics pulled from a short chapter entitled, An Epidemic of Blindness.  He concluded, “We live in an environment in which political animosities, technological dehumanization and social breakdown undermine connection, strain friendships, erase intimacy and foster distrust. Here are some statistics that led him to that conclusion:

  • Between 1999 and 2019 suicide rates increased 33%.
  • Between 2009 and 2019 the percentage of teens who reported persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness rose from 26% to 37%.  By 2021 it had shot up to 44%.
  • The percentage of Americans who said they have no close friends, quadrupled between 1990 and 2020.
  • 54% of Americans reported that no one knows them well.
  • 36% of Americans reported that they feel lonely almost all of the time including 61% of young adults and 51% of young mothers.
  • The General Social Survey asked Americans to rate their happiness levels. Between 1990 and 2018 the share of Americans who put themselves in the lowest happiness category increased by more than 50%.
  • Sadness, lack of recognition and loneliness turn into bitterness, which can lead on to meanness which has caused a marked increase in hate crimes.
  • This social breakdown manifests itself as a crisis of distrust. Two generations ago, roughly 60% of Americans said that most people can be trusted; by 2014, only 30.3% did.
  • Ultimately, the sadness and dehumanization pervading society has led to violence, both emotional and physical. Sadness, dehumanization and Loneliness too often, in reflection, tend to define school shooters which was almost unheard of before 1999.
  • Brooks goes on to introduce the phrase “moral formation” which is about three simple practical things. 

First, it is about helping people learn how to restrain their selfishness and incline their heart to care more about others.

Second, it’s about helping people find a purpose, so their life has stability, direction, and meaning. 

Third, moral formation is about teaching the basic social and emotional skills so one can be kind and considerate to the people around them. 

Those three items are especially applicable to this article because those words are a part of what I am going to outline as a long-range strategic concept of operations to fix, “the epidemic of blindness” existing throughout our country today.

Brooks’ research suggests that earlier in our history, education did focus on moral formation. Educators thought it was their primary job to turn out people of character.  But, in mid-20th century the focus on moral formation began to fall away.  By the 1960s deliberate moral education was in full-scale retreat.

In a sense, American culture became demoralized by the 1990s usage of morality-related words had plummeted; “bravery” down 66%, “gratitude” down 49%, “humbleness” down 52%.  In a 2018 poll only 7% said helping other people gave them meaning in life. 

Recent generations of Americans have not been taught the skills they need in order to see, understand, and respect other people.

Thank you, David Brooks, for those insights. Now to the question, how are we going to turn all this around? There are going to be three issues in play in this concept of operations, culture, education and race relations. Why?  Because the solution to any one of the three critical issues, coincidently can be the solution to the other two. Three for the price of one.  And by the way, if done properly, the price to the taxpayers will be $0.00.

Since 5 November, change is in the air.  There are growing expectations across the country that President Trump has a mandate to fix some of our most serious problems and culture, education and race relations are certainly three of the most critical. Let’s get on with the fix.

First define the three problems, culture/education/race relations.


There is a culture associated with every organization no matter how large or small. A two-person team as well as the largest of organizations will over time develop a culture that can be defined. Culture is an organization’s personality; caring, hateful, fast, energetic, visionary, risk-taking, vengeful, selfless, selfish, accommodating, respectful, unethical and on and an. I believe the pervasive culture in the United States of America can be generally classified as A Culture of Hate and Blame. That is not where we want to be or should be and certainly not a way to move forward.


The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in FY 2023, 614,000 students dropped out of high school, 3,411 per school day, and statistically become a life-time drain and strain on society. Others are allowed to slip through the system and graduate from high school but are actually functionally illiterate.

For decades the National Assessment of Education Progress, has been routinely testing hundreds of thousands of students in grades 4, 8 and 12. The results are called The Nation’s Report Card. Reading and math proficiency percentages provide a short-hand look at where we were in 2019, pre-Covid, scoring stats. This is about proficiency or the lack thereof. Proficiency is, “demonstration of some competency over challenging subject matter.”

Math: 4th grade 67% NOT proficient, 8th grade 71% NOT proficient, 12th grade 63% NOT proficient.

Reading: 4th grade 68% NOT proficient, 8th grade 66% NOT proficient, 12th grade 69% NOT proficient.

Statistics are available for all other subjects and scoring is generally worse than math and reading. President Trump is correct, education needs reform. But…..

Top-down programs do not work: The federal government has a horrible record in trying to run anything, especially education.  Since the Federal Government established the Department of Education in 1979, we have seen one failed program after another as each succeeding administration tries to “fix” education from the top down with hundreds of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of bureaucrats and regulations.

Our proficiency levels and world rankings in education tell us we are stuck in a place we do not want to be.


There is no definitive measure of where we are with respect to race relations, but events continue to tell us it is not anywhere near good enough.

Ground truth, babies of all races are not born bigoted, disrespecting or hateful.  While growing up they learn it. They learn it at home, in school, on the playground and on the streetWe simply have to change what children learn.


To fix all three of these issues, we need to become comfortable thinking in terms of generations to institutionalize this concept of operations and get where we all have the opportunity to be all we can be every day. 

Today, we adults, for he most part, are a lost cause. The solution will only come if we change what our youngsters learn, how they think, what they believe in and how they behave.

The good news is this concept of operations does not need federal or state masses of bureaucrats with their reems of regulations and the equally good news is, it is free. 


First, who will be involved in some way in this campaign?

-130,000 K-12 public and private schools

-50 million K-12 students

-180 million adults with a school-age child

-4.5 million teachers

-2 million Home Room volunteers, (more on this later)

-Over 200,000 Superintendents, Principles and Education Board members

That’s over 80% of adults in America involved in some way with this campaign.

The plan is for 50 million kids to be in a Home Room class at 0800 every school day for about 20 minutes for 13 school-years with volunteer instructors. They will discuss values and character.

President-elect Trump campaigned on fixing education in America.  Here sir, is a program for you.

This concept paper is laid out as a national campaign with President Trump leading.  But if that does not happen, the concept as written can also be applicable for action by any individual state led by the Governor. In the absence of any Federal or State sponsorship, Campaign Home Room can be picked up by any county or city Board of Education and executed.  At whatever level this program is activated, it can be successful, it will make a positive difference and it will be transformative for the communities involved. 

Structure each Home Room with a cross section of the class population.  For example, visualize a school that has 75 new kindergarten students entering school in August, twenty-five kids per class.  Populate each Home Room with students from each of the three classes.  During the following 13 years, some youngsters will move away and some new ones will move in; but for the most part that Home Room group will stay together until graduation.  That is part of the power of the Home Room concept.

This Concept of Operations to fix the above discussed problems is not a guessing game.  The strength of this concept is that there are existing successful models we can lean on and learn from. 

Youngsters who are committed to youth organizations such as Scouting, First Tee, Boys and Girls Clubs avoid joining gangs or becoming bigoted because they have developed a positive value base.  They have learned accountability; they trust each other and respect authority.  But these great programs only touch a fraction of the kids.  We have to teach values to every youngster in the United States for generations to come. 


The first 20-30 minutes of every school day in every school, K-12, will be Home Room. The subject matter will be:


That is, teach and talk about values.  Call it the Character Curriculum. There will need to be three versions of the curriculum; elementary K-5, middle school 6-8 and high school 9-12.  Out of this will come an overpowering culture of ACCOUNTABILITY, RESPECT AND TRUST.

In many large schools a student may not even know all of their “classmates” but they sure will know their Home Room mates.  They will get to know them like brothers and sisters.  They will have deep feelings and respect for their Home Room mates.  Over time Home Rooms will have names, mascots, tee-shirts, a website, competition with other Home Rooms, an unshakable identity, peer pressure and peer support.  “I have your back” will become an unspoken pledge from each to all.  The Home Room will become powerful, effective and it is free.  It is a game changer.

In this day and age of peer pressure to join a gang the Home Room can, from kindergarten on, provide an alternative.  For every student, their Home Room can become their “gang” throughout their elementary and secondary education years.  Every student in the United States will have a small group they can identify with and turn to for peer support.

Bullying has always been a problem for youngsters and seemingly more so today with the availability of social media.  Home Room will bring bullying to its knees in two different ways.    First of all, every student will now know that their Home Room gang has their back.  The students will look after each other and protect one another.  Secondly, one of the most powerful subjects in the Home Room Character Curriculum is respect.

By their very nature, bullies do not respect others or authority.   With respect imprinted on the soul of every youngster and emphasized day after day, year after year throughout their student careers, it is doubtful that bullying will even be a mentionable problem in the future. 

Truancy is an enormous problem in this country and is the super highway to dropping out of school.  With the bond built among a group of Home Room kids over the years it will not be easy to bring one’s self to skip school.  Accountability will become a powerful way of life for every student. 

Home Room does not require funding.  Personnel on the educational payroll will not lead or teach Home Room.  It will be done by volunteers and we will need a lot of them.  If the average size Home Room is 25 students, we will have about 2 million Home Room classes in session every school day. 

Just imagine the impact Campaign Home Room can have with 50 million youngsters standing with their hand over their heart reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and then participating in a substantive discussion about one of the subjects in the Character Curriculum every school day and then adjourning to their class rooms to live/be/do/demonstrate those values.  How powerful is that?


How do we find and train 2 million volunteers?  The essence of this campaign is decentralized execution.  Each individual school Principal will be responsible for finding a handful of volunteers and that should not be a problem.  For example, there are about 70 million Baby Boomers retiring at a rate of about 10,000 per day and many are looking for something interesting, meaningful, and challenging to do in retirement. 

Tap in to local organizations and churches for help: Kiwanis, Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce, VFW, American Legion, AARP, Shriners, Country Clubs, etc.  Get them to sponsor an entire school and provide all the Home Room instructors.  Easy to do and retirees bring a wealth of knowledge and experience for the mentoring of youngsters. 

Additionally, there are almost two million retired military men and women across the country.  They all have three things in common: they are proven leaders, they are teachers and they have spent their professional lives in a fully integrated and value-based organization in which they operated daily immersed in a culture of ACCOUNTABILITY, TRUST AND RESPECT.  They have the perfect skill set to administer the Home Room Character Curriculum. 

True story. A few years ago, I was invited by the paster of a large church in my community to speak at the Wednesday church supper gathering of about 75 folks; Twenty-minute presentation about the concept of Campaign Home Room and 10 minutes of Q and A.  About a week later the paster called to thank me. He also reported that there was a lot of positive talk around the church about Home Room. He told me that if I could get Campaign Home Room started in our local school system, he already lined up about 300 volunteer instructors from the church. Yes, communities with step forward.

Teachers and administrators should be seated in the back of the room observing the Home Room instruction/discussion.  Why?  The power of the program is that the students will take the values from the Home Room to the classroom if they are prompted all day to do so. 


We can begin Campaign Home Room with a load of information and results from actual character training by reviewing what First Tee has accomplished over the past 27 years.

1997, then-PGA TOUR Commissioner Tim Finchem was joined in New York City’s Central Park by representatives from the leading golf organizations, US Golf Association officials and President George H. W. Bush to announce the launch of First Tee.  

First Tee mission is, “to impact the lives of young people by providing educational programs that build character, instill life-enhancing values and promote healthy choices through the game of golf.”

First Tee is a national non-profit organization devoted to teaching the “Nine Core Values” (respect, honesty, integrity, sportsmanship, confidence, responsibility, perseverance, courtesy and judgment) plus Nine Healthy Habits and introduction to the game of golf.

Since 1997, First Tee has grown into a preeminent youth development organization with 150 chapters with programs delivered at 1,400 golf courses, 10,000 schools and 1,700 youth centers in all 50 states.

Golf is a sport enjoyed for a life-time by over 100 million players around the world.  One unique aspect of golf as a sport is that while there are lots of rules, there are no referees. Every player declares their own infractions.  Honesty, accountability and sportsmanship are in play all the time and great practical application for youngsters.


The desire to understand how character training impacts young people prompted First Tee to sanction a study by an outside group of highly qualified researchers.  It began in 2003 with a snapshot look at the program with the following results:

Communications skills…..74% positive, 24% no change, 2% negative

Confidence.……………………76% positive, 22% no change, 2% negative

Responsibility…………………74% positive, 24% no change, 2% negative

School grades………….….….52% positive, 44% no change, 4% negative

Social skills………………………66% positive, 30% no change, 4% negative

With these impressive results First Tee then sanctioned a four-year study, 2005-2008 with the following findings:

  • 73% of The First Tee participants were retained in the program from year one to year four of the research.  This retention rate is impressive given the average dropout rate per year is about 50% in other youth organizations. 
  • Year one:  Character training impacts the lives of students quickly.  During year one the participants declared there was a positive life skill transfer to school work (100%), a job (35%), friends (60%), activities (30%), family (85%) and sports (70%). 
  • Year two:  First Tee participants were compared to youth in after-school activities without a life skills curriculum. The First Tee youth scored higher than the comparison group on use of general life skills including goal-setting, taking initiative and managing their emotions, as well as on most measures of transferring life skills and demonstrating positive character traits. These differences between First Tee youth and the comparison group were statistically significant.
  • Year three:  73% reported high confidence in their ability to do well academically.
  • Year four:  In each of the four years of the study, 100% of First Tee participants identified school as a setting in which the character training transferred positively.

The best feedback I can report to you is what has been relayed to me in conversations with teachers while working with First Tee CEO and the national staff as well as with a local chapter.  While every teacher was initially skeptical about using 20 minutes of valuable school time each day, every teacher reported that to their surprise and delight within just a few weeks their students changed; became more attentive, more polite, more cooperative and more accountable.  Music to my ears.

This nation does not need a pilot program to test character training, we just need to execute.


This concept of operations provides the basics for Home Room operations.  But we all know that after implementation there will be a plethora of new good ideas.  Home Rooms will have names, T-shirts, perhaps a website and competition with other Home Rooms.  Community service should become a traditional Home Room activity for high school students. Some schools will reward outstanding high school seniors by having them partner with the Home Room volunteers to teach and discuss the Character Curriculum.  Some schools will use the best and brightest high school students to tutor struggling students whose parents are unable or incapable of tutoring their children.  The list goes on and on and is only limited by imagination. 

At some point, perhaps in the sixth grade, a Home Room student will suggest to her mates that they challenge the other Home Rooms to a grade-point-average competition.  At that point that school just reached the Promised Land. 

Innovation has been the lifeblood of this nation since its inception.  Whatever Home Room function is found to work in one community should be templated and shared.  Each Governor should have a Campaign Home Room website set up to publish innovative ideas and best practices.


Since the establishment of the federal Department of Education in 1979 there has been program after program forced down to the states and counties by the federal government.  Additionally, every presidential candidate since then has campaigned on a pledge to improve education.  It has not and will not happen as long as the process is so politicized and frequently changed.  Policy driven, top-down solutions overseen by masses of bureaucrats has not worked in the past and will not work going forward.

For Campaign Home Room, centralized planning is by the President and Governors and those they have chosen to assist with implementing phase 1 of the campaign.  Maximum decentralized execution is from the County/City Board of Education Chairperson on down through the Superintendent to the school Principals.  There is no requirement for thick pamphlets dictating rules, regulations and reporting requirements; this concept of operations is the basic plan. 

Maximum centralized planning with maximum centralized regulation is a loser, especially for education.  Maximum centralized planning, maximum decentralized execution is a proven model because it pushes the decision-making down closest to the point of execution. 

With decentralized execution of Campaign Home Room, the local county/city populace will soon come to understand that the accountable officers, the Superintendent and the School Principals, are right there in their community and are not some nameless, faceless bureaucrat in Washington DC. 

The Superintendent and the local school Principal can be approached, talked to and debated.  What happens next is that the Superintendents who are weak leaders and the principals who can’t plan will be replaced by leaders who can and will deliver high school graduates in greater numbers and those who do graduate will have the cognitive skills necessary to be productive citizens.


The four potential enemies of this campaign are politics, the not-invented-here crowd, bureaucratic oversight and impatience.

Politics:  If this campaign becomes a Democrat vs Republican political pawn, it will crumble and fail.  Therefore, each succeeding President and Governor, in turn, must see the long-range value of this program and keep it on track without federal or state funding. 

Not-invented-here: In every campaign, there are those persons and organizations that believe if something was not their idea then it most certainly cannot be of much value.  Defeat the not-invented-here crowd with fast action and wide-spread support for the campaign.

Bureaucratic oversight:  This is not a program that needs a mass of federal or state regulations, rules and reporting requirements.  Keep Campaign Home Room in its simplest form and execute from the County/City Board of Education level down.  

Impatience:  The campaign will certainly yield improvement in the first two or three years but it must be understood that, generally speaking, this is a generational campaign.   After one complete cycle of K-12 the results, the transforming of this nation, will be astounding. 


Phase 1 is the centralized planning phase at the federal level January through spring 2025 and at the state level on through August, 2025.

The senior leader of any large organization will spend a great deal of their time building consensus for strategic campaigns.  It will be critical for President Trump to do so as early as possible.  Governors, minority leaders, educators and legislators must all get briefed and brought on board during early months for phase 1.

After the Governors meet with President Trump, they should become active by laying out the decentralized plan for leaders in every school district to take the ball and run with it.    

Phase 2 begins August, 2025 and is one year long.  During this phase the County/City Boards of Education, Superintendents and school Principals will undertake the detailed decentralized planning actions outlined in this Concept of Operations. 

Phase 3 begins decentralized execution of Campaign Home Room, August 2026, hopefully in every school in America.


The President will be overall lead.  His principal responsibility is to shape the environment by bringing all the Governors on board and building consensus among all the constituencies involved throughout the nation. 

The Secretary of Education, if the department remains active, will advocate nationally for the program.  

Governors will embrace the program, build consensus among Superintendents, educators, minority leaders, legislators and then quickly decentralize to the local Boards of Education.

The State Board of Education Chairperson and the State Superintendent of Schools will actively advocate for state-wide buy-in of Campaign Home Room.

The local Boards of Education, Superintendents and Principals are the accountable leaders for Phase 3, detailed decentralized planning.


Who: the entire “education organization”; students, parents, teachers, administrators and volunteers; all 236 million of them.

What: dramatically improve education and race relations while transforming America’s culture.

When: begin now and look long-range into the future; a generational campaign.

Where: in all 130,000 private and public K-12 schools in America.

Why: because our culture is broken, we must learn to be “good” again and

eliminate the existing “epidemic of blindness.”

How: character education led by volunteers with every student, every school, every school day, K-12.


This campaign can change the nation, from the bottom up, for generations to come. Conversely, it cannot be successful from a top-down program. There are historical precedents in the US military and character-building organizations such as First Tee that prove the validity of the concept.  

Home Room concept will be successful.  We do not need a trial balloon; we just need to execute. 


The power of the Character Curriculum being discussed with every student in every Home Room every day for 13 years, K-12, results in the following:

Accountable students do not resort to blame.

Students who are steeped in commitment, confidence, perseverance, punctuality and responsibilitydo not skip school, fall behind or drop out.

Students who are deeply rooted in trust and respect will strike down bullying and are unlikely to become racially bigoted adults.  And they will believe the famous words of Martin Luther King, “……they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” 

Students who are compassionate, courteous, honorable, good citizens and demonstrate the courage of their convictions do not join street gangs.

Students who have accepted honesty, morality and integrity as their guiding light will likely be life-long upstanding citizens.

Students who understand, live and accept a life of selfless service are unlikely to become self-serving adults.

Students who have an understanding that there is a lot they don’t yet know and even part of what they believe they know might be incorrect, have the quality of humility. 

Students who understand self-respect recognize that they are now better than they used to be and can be counted on in times of temptation because they are morally strong and dependable. 

With this value base, students across the nation are more likely to exercise good judgment and become great leaders.

Home Room will make every youngster a better student and a better person. Keeping up becomes important, dropping out becomes unthinkable.

Any organization that wants to be successful will have underpinnings that includes some or all of the following”

  • Take the long view.
  • Decentralized decision making and execution.
  • Focused accountability at the point of execution.
  • Racial integration that emanates from a value base of trust and respect.
  • A transformational culture of accountability, trust and respect.


EDUCATION: What has been done for the past 35 years (hundreds of billions of dollars spent on federal and state programs overseen be thousands of bureaucrats administering thousands of pages of rules, regulations and reporting requirements) has not worked.  Education in the U.S. is a national disgrace.  This can and must be changed. 

CULTURE:  On 31 August, 2015 black and white protesters marched outside the Minnesota State Fair Grounds.  Their chant, “Black lives matter, pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon.”  At other locations, “What do we want?  Dead Cops; when do we want them? Now.” This is not what America has been about for most of its history, but it is where we are today, part of the “epidemic of blindness.”

DISSENT:  This is a voluntary program at the local level and there will be some dissent. Teachers’ unions will say there isn’t enough time. Some will argue the volunteers will not be qualified. A few will believe character education is a waste of time.  They will all be proven wrong and when the value added begins to spread across the nation, parents will demand their School Board sign on to the program. 

The shortest list in this country is a list of youngsters who spent ten years as a Boy/Girl Scout or with First Tee and then dropped out of school.  They didn’t stay in school because they learned to tie a knot, pitch a tent or grip a golf club, they stayed in school and excelled because of the character training that is now part of their being and guides them every day, everywhere, doing everything. 

Just for a moment imagine as the sun passes over every school house across this country, in sequence 130 million K-12 youngsters in 2 million Home Room classes will put their hand on their heart, look at the Stars and Stripes, recite the Pledge of Allegiance and settle in for a discussion of some elements of the Character Curriculum. Campaign Home Room is within the art of the possible and “we the people”, not we the government, can make it happen and transform America forever.

“We the people”, those first three important words of the U.S. Constitution, we the people have to start over.   We have to begin with the kids; little kids. And “we the people” have to work it hard for a generation.  If goodness, and hence greatness, is to be regained for this country, it will be accomplished one youngster at a time through character education.

REALITY IN ACTION. Character education is valid; however, that does not mean all 50 states or all of the county/city boards of education are going to sign up for Campaign Home Room the first year.  Initially, some Governors will see this as a Republican issue, politicize it and decline to participate.  Initially, some Boards of Education will shy away from change out of fear or ignorance, and they will opt out.  Initially, some Principals, because they are incompetent, will make a token effort, fail and declare the concept invalid. 

But education is an issue near and dear to the hearts of most Americans and conversations among family and friends across county and state lines frequently contain questions like: “how are the kids doing in school?”  “How are the schools in your area?”  “Do the kids have good teachers?”

These conversations will often be between families whose children are beginning each school day with a dose of character education and those who are not.  Character education has an immediate, definable, positive impact on children; particularly on their school work, attitude, perseverance, attention, courtesy, accountability.

The “have” parents will begin to use the word, “transformational” when describing their kids’ educational environment. The “have not” parents will begin to ask, “why don’t our schools have character education?”  And when they do begin to ask the hard questions, they will not be addressing some nameless bureaucrat in Washington, they will look to the Principal, the Superintendent, the Education Board members or the Governor they voted for. Social media will move character education through the nation’s conscience like a raging wild fire. 

The positive changes in student behavior resulting directly from character education will manifest themselves early and profoundly.  Within a couple years after phase three of Campaign Home Room is initiated, the bottom-up pressure will mount and, God willing the whole country will get on board. “In God we trust.”