First, Pelosi tells the House Democratic caucus they cannot go home because they may need to be in Washington to vote on re-opening the government. Meanwhile she schedules herself to be out of the country on a Congressional Delegation overseas visit. 

The itinerary:  Brussels, Egypt, Afghanistan……. why these three?

BRUSSELS:  The only reason to visit Brussels is NATO.  For decades US presidents have complained about members not living up to the membership requirement……devote 2% of your GDP to defense spending.  They never paid any attention until President Trump looked them in the eye and demanded they get with the program; the US taxpayers are tired of footing 70% of the NATO bill.  A significant number of the member nations are complying.  Do any of you believe for a minute that Nancy is going there to tell them how much she is pleased with what President Trump has done?  Not in this lifetime.  Whatever she does/says will be disruptive and completely out of her lane. 

EGYPT:  Only reason to go to Egypt at this point in time is because last week Secretary of State, Pompeo was there to deliver a major foreign policy speech concerning terrorism in particular and the Middle East in general.  If you didn’t hear it, it is worth your time to read it.  In effect, he said we, the US, are here for you in the world-wide fight against Islamic terrorism but when the feces hits the rotary, you better be ready to pony-up, play a big-time role and pay your own way.  Foreign policy is the purview of the Executive Branch and Nancy has no business sticking her nose into it.  But she doesn’t care.    

AFGHANISTAN, a war zone:  She will, of course, be treated according to her office and given the full briefing.  However, I’m afraid of what she is going to say when she returns and how much damage it may do. 

The bottom line; there is no limit to how dangerous a power-hungry person like her can be.  She is on a one-mission campaign…..destroy the Trump presidency. She is a power freak in a power position and cares nothing about how the American electorate feels about the major issues of the day…….internal security, the economy, foreign affairs.

Her only concern is her personal legacy……..I brought him down.  Not what she was able to accomplish for America.  A powerful, dangerous, shadow-president, her Democratic caucus appears powerless to challenge her while she is simultaneously buoyed by the daily support of the main-stream media. 

It’s going to be a tough couple of years of pure unadulterated RESISTANCE.  

One thing that could be done is to take every nonsensical piece of legislation that comes out of the House and immediately put it to a vote in the Senate.  Let the people see what every Representative and Senator is voting for and against.  Show America the resistance.  Show America what the Democratic/Liberal/Socialist/Progressive agenda actually looks like and let them judge for themselves. 

Unfortunately, the problem with that course of action is Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnel.  To date, his inclination is to table everything “that will not pass the Senate.”  Bad move. 

Marv Covault